Mafia Wars Wiki
Fight Tab


MW DeclareWar war main title 08


Declare War promo final

A war can be declared on anyone that isn't in your mafia from the Fights tab, the Declare War tab, or directly from a players Profile page. You can then rally others to help you in your war by posting it to your profile and to the news feed.

Each war has a time limit of 8 hours (less if you obtained Family Perks), after which you can then declare another war. A War can end in 2 different ways.

  • You and your mafia have defeated your opponents and their Top Mafia, or they defeat yours.
  • The timer runs out before all targets on one side have been taken out, in which case the person with the most kills wins the war. In the case of a tie the defender wins.


You may help your friends in their wars by clicking on their war posts and choosing a target from the opponents Top Mafia or the opponent themselves. You may also attack a target in your own war.

Your skill determines the damage that opponents suffer at your hand.

  • You can wound them War slash 75x74 01,
  • Take them out completely War x 75x74 01,
  • And even cause splash damage, which is dealt to one opponent as the result of killing another! War x 75x74 01War slash 75x74 01

Each target in a war will be displayed with a difficulty level, representing how hard the target it to take out.

  • Easy icons Easy
  • Medium icon Medium
  • Hard icon Hard

The winning side of the war are awarded loot items. The leader receives 1 known item and 1 random item, and all helpers receive 1 known item. The rewards given are based on the current rewards Tier (see below) of the person that initiated the war.

You can also get revenge on those who fought against you by attacking them directly from the Declare War page.

The Mafia Size indicator does not include any Hired Guns you have since Hired Guns are not real mafia members and ca not respond to the war help request. However, if you do not have a Top Mafia set up, the 6 Top Mafia spots are filled with Hired Guns. However to declare war you must have 6 mafia (excluding hired guns). You must be also be Level 25 to Declare a War.


Mw Declare War Popup Items title 06

Tier 32 rewards were released on January 7, 2014.

Name Image Attack Defense Mw tournament icon atk def Type Rarity
Brass Rain Item brassrain 01 Icon attack 16x16216 Icon defense 16x16174 Mw tournament icon atk def390 Weapons Mafiawars crates uncommon
Blast Bliss Item blastbliss 01 Icon attack 16x16217 Icon defense 16x16175 Mw tournament icon atk def392 Vehicles Mafiawars crates uncommon
Poet Item poet 01 Icon attack 16x16174 Icon defense 16x16216 Mw tournament icon atk def390 Henchmen Mafiawars crates uncommon
Vesta Item vesta 01 Icon attack 16x16184 Icon defense 16x16222 Mw tournament icon atk def406 Armor Mafiawars crates rare
Drill Monkey Item drillmonkey 01 Icon attack 16x16185 Icon defense 16x16221 Mw tournament icon atk def406 Animals Mafiawars crates rare

Tier 31 rewards were released on December 3, 2013.

Name Image Attack Defense Mw tournament icon atk def Type Rarity
Pressure Crush Item pressurecrush 01 Icon attack 16x16170 Icon defense 16x16212 Mw tournament icon atk def382 Armor Mafiawars crates uncommon
Turquoise Monitor Item turquoisemonitor 01 Icon attack 16x16171 Icon defense 16x16213 Mw tournament icon atk def384 Animals Mafiawars crates uncommon
Fast Food Trainee Item fastfoodtrainee 01 Icon attack 16x16212 Icon defense 16x16170 Mw tournament icon atk def382 Henchmen Mafiawars crates uncommon
Held Fury Item heldfury 01 Icon attack 16x16218 Icon defense 16x16180 Mw tournament icon atk def398 Weapons Mafiawars crates rare
Abysmal Item abysmal 01 Icon attack 16x16217 Icon defense 16x16181 Mw tournament icon atk def398 Vehicles Mafiawars crates rare

Tier 30 rewards were released on November 8, 2013.

Name Image Attack Defense Mw tournament icon atk def Type Rarity
Hogshead Terror Item hogsheadterror 01 Icon attack 16x16166 Icon defense 16x16208 Mw tournament icon atk def374 Weapons Mafiawars crates uncommon
Draco Volan Item dracovolan 01 Icon attack 16x16167 Icon defense 16x16209 Mw tournament icon atk def376 Animals Mafiawars crates uncommon
Fiery Float Item fieryfloat 01 Icon attack 16x16208 Icon defense 16x16166 Mw tournament icon atk def374 Vehicles Mafiawars crates uncommon
Late Show Host Item lateshowhost 01 Icon attack 16x16176 Icon defense 16x16214 Mw tournament icon atk def390 Henchmen Mafiawars crates rare
Clawless Otter Item clawlessotter 01 Icon attack 16x16213 Icon defense 16x16177 Mw tournament icon atk def390 Animals Mafiawars crates rare

Tier 29 rewards were released on October 3, 2013.

Name Image Attack Defense Mw tournament icon atk def Type Rarity
Asian Black Bear Item asianblackbear 01 Icon attack 16x16204 Icon defense 16x16162 Mw tournament icon atk def366 Animals Mafiawars crates uncommon
High Rider Item highrider 01 Icon attack 16x16163 Icon defense 16x16205 Mw tournament icon atk def368 Vehicles Mafiawars crates uncommon
Weighed Down Item weigheddown 01 Icon attack 16x16162 Icon defense 16x16204 Mw tournament icon atk def366 Armor Mafiawars crates uncommon
Loan Officer Item loanofficer 01 Icon attack 16x16210 Icon defense 16x16172 Mw tournament icon atk def382 Henchmen Mafiawars crates rare
Woolly Monkey Item woollymonkey 01 Icon attack 16x16173 Icon defense 16x16209 Mw tournament icon atk def382 Animals Mafiawars crates rare

Tier 28 rewards were released on August 29, 2013.

Name Image Attack Defense Mw tournament icon atk def Type Rarity
Gold Stud Item goldstud 01 Icon attack 16x16199 Icon defense 16x16158 Mw tournament icon atk def357 Weapons Mafiawars crates uncommon
Octo-Drive Item octo-drive 01 Icon attack 16x16157 Icon defense 16x16200 Mw tournament icon atk def357 Vehicles Mafiawars crates uncommon
Glow On Item glowon 01 Icon attack 16x16158 Icon defense 16x16199 Mw tournament icon atk def357 Armor Mafiawars crates uncommon
Long Island Item longisland 01 Icon attack 16x16205 Icon defense 16x16167 Mw tournament icon atk def372 Armor Mafiawars crates rare
Sumatran Serow Item sumatranserow 01 Icon attack 16x16168 Icon defense 16x16204 Mw tournament icon atk def372 Animals Mafiawars crates rare

Tier 27 rewards were released on July 16, 2013.

Name Image Attack Defense Mw tournament icon atk def Type Rarity
Woodpower Item woodpower 01 Icon attack 16x16190 Icon defense 16x16149 Mw tournament icon atk def339 Vehicles Mafiawars crates uncommon
Flame-Lord Item scalpscratcher 01 Icon attack 16x16148 Icon defense 16x16189 Mw tournament icon atk def337 Armor Mafiawars crates uncommon
Bridled Tern Item bridledtern 01 Icon attack 16x16190 Icon defense 16x16149 Mw tournament icon atk def339 Animals Mafiawars crates uncommon
Heavy Rain Item heavyrain 01 Icon attack 16x16196 Icon defense 16x16159 Mw tournament icon atk def355 Weapons Mafiawars crates rare
General Mach Item generalmach 01 Icon attack 16x16159 Icon defense 16x16195 Mw tournament icon atk def354 Vehicles Mafiawars crates rare

Tier 25 rewards were released on June 7, 2013.

Name Image Attack Defense Mw tournament icon atk def Type Rarity
Dust Off Item dustoff 01 Icon attack 16x16185 Icon defense 16x16145 Mw tournament icon atk def330 Armor Mafiawars crates uncommon
Scalp Scratcher Item scalpscratcher 01 Icon attack 16x16144 Icon defense 16x16186 Mw tournament icon atk def330 Weapons Mafiawars crates uncommon
Bearded Pig Item beardedpig 01 Icon attack 16x16145 Icon defense 16x16186 Mw tournament icon atk def331 Animals Mafiawars crates uncommon
Plane Crazy Item planecrazy 01 Icon attack 16x16192 Icon defense 16x16150 Mw tournament icon atk def342 Vehicles Mafiawars crates rare
Frigatebird Item frigatebird 01 Icon attack 16x16150 Icon defense 16x16193 Mw tournament icon atk def343 Animals Mafiawars crates rare

Tier 25 rewards were released on May 9, 2013.

Name Image Attack Defense Mw tournament icon atk def Type Rarity
Gold Pain Item goldpain 01 Icon attack 16x16135 Icon defense 16x16176 Mw tournament icon atk def311 Armor Mafiawars crates uncommon
Horde Rattler Item horderattler 01 Icon attack 16x16173 Icon defense 16x16135 Mw tournament icon atk def308 Weapons Mafiawars crates uncommon
Yellow Mongoose Item yellowmongoose 01 Icon attack 16x16136 Icon defense 16x16177 Mw tournament icon atk def313 Animals Mafiawars crates uncommon
Saw-Foot Item saw-foot 01 Icon attack 16x16177 Icon defense 16x16136 Mw tournament icon atk def313 Armor Mafiawars crates uncommon
Crop Circler Item cropcircler 01 Icon attack 16x16136 Icon defense 16x16177 Mw tournament icon atk def313 Vehicles Mafiawars crates uncommon
Symphony Of Death Item symphonyofdeath 01 Icon attack 16x16146 Icon defense 16x16187 Mw tournament icon atk def333 Weapons Mafiawars crates rare
Sandhopper Item sandhopper 01 Icon attack 16x16188 Icon defense 16x16146 Mw tournament icon atk def334 Vehicles Mafiawars crates rare
Pocket-Full Item pocket-full 01 Icon attack 16x16147 Icon defense 16x16187 Mw tournament icon atk def334 Armor Mafiawars crates rare
Venomous Slice Item venomousslice 01 Icon attack 16x16188 Icon defense 16x16147 Mw tournament icon atk def335 Weapons Mafiawars crates rare
Snowy Egret Item snowyegret 01 Icon attack 16x16147 Icon defense 16x16187 Mw tournament icon atk def334 Animals Mafiawars crates rare

Tier 24 rewards were released on April 16, 2013.

Name Image Attack Defense Mw tournament icon atk def Type Rarity
Wing Nut Item wingnut 01 Icon attack 16x16172 Icon defense 16x16131 Mw tournament icon atk def303 Vehicles Mafiawars crates uncommon
Air Dry Item airdry 01 Icon attack 16x16131 Icon defense 16x16172 Mw tournament icon atk def303 Weapons Mafiawars crates uncommon
Gray Seal Item grayseal 01 Icon attack 16x16173 Icon defense 16x16132 Mw tournament icon atk def305 Animals Mafiawars crates uncommon
Key Knife Item keyknife 01 Icon attack 16x16132 Icon defense 16x16173 Mw tournament icon atk def305 Armor Mafiawars crates uncommon
Short-Not Item short-not 01 Icon attack 16x16173 Icon defense 16x16132 Mw tournament icon atk def305 Vehicles Mafiawars crates uncommon
Scalper Item thescalper 01 Icon attack 16x16183 Icon defense 16x16142 Mw tournament icon atk def325 Weapons Mafiawars crates rare
Five-lined Skink Item five-linedskink 01 Icon attack 16x16142 Icon defense 16x16183 Mw tournament icon atk def325 Animals Mafiawars crates rare
Fetish Gloves Item fetishgloves 01 Icon attack 16x16184 Icon defense 16x16143 Mw tournament icon atk def327 Armor Mafiawars crates rare
Caracal Item caracal 01 Icon attack 16x16143 Icon defense 16x16184 Mw tournament icon atk def327 Animals Mafiawars crates rare
Deathish Item deathish 01 Icon attack 16x16184 Icon defense 16x16143 Mw tournament icon atk def327 Vehicles Mafiawars crates rare

Tier 23 rewards were released on March 14, 2013.

Name Image Attack Defense Mw tournament icon atk def Type Rarity
Merlin Stratoweaver Item merlinstratoweaver 01 Icon attack 16x16122 Icon defense 16x16162 Mw tournament icon atk def284 Vehicles Mafiawars crates uncommon
Two Timer Item twotimer 01 Icon attack 16x16163 Icon defense 16x16123 Mw tournament icon atk def286 Weapons Mafiawars crates uncommon
Thick-billed Raven Item thick-billedraven 01 Icon attack 16x16124 Icon defense 16x16165 Mw tournament icon atk def289 Animals Mafiawars crates uncommon
Spike Sound X1 Item spikesoundx1 01 Icon attack 16x16164 Icon defense 16x16123 Mw tournament icon atk def287 Armor Mafiawars crates uncommon
M.A.F.I.A Warhammer Item m.a.f.i.awarhammer 01 Icon attack 16x16163 Icon defense 16x16125 Mw tournament icon atk def288 Vehicles Mafiawars crates uncommon
Ivo Autoshot Mk II Item ivoautoshotmkii 01 Icon attack 16x16132 Icon defense 16x16173 Mw tournament icon atk def305 Weapons Mafiawars crates rare
Przewalski's Horse Item przewalskishorse 01 Icon attack 16x16174 Icon defense 16x16133 Mw tournament icon atk def307 Animals Mafiawars crates rare
Trawler's Overalls Item tawlersoveralls 01 Icon attack 16x16134 Icon defense 16x16173 Mw tournament icon atk def307 Armor Mafiawars crates rare
Eurasian Water Shrew Item eurasianwatershrew 01 Icon attack 16x16133 Icon defense 16x16175 Mw tournament icon atk def308 Animals Mafiawars crates rare
Rockwilde Item rockwilde 01 Icon attack 16x16135 Icon defense 16x16174 Mw tournament icon atk def309 Vehicles Mafiawars crates rare

Tier 22 rewards were released on February 12, 2013.

Name Image Attack Defense Mw tournament icon atk def Type Rarity
SVR Silverbite Item svrsilverbite 01 Icon attack 16x16159 Icon defense 16x16119 Mw tournament icon atk def278 Vehicles Mafiawars crates uncommon
Short And Sweet Item shortandsweet 01 Icon attack 16x16120 Icon defense 16x16160 Mw tournament icon atk def280 Weapons Mafiawars crates uncommon
Short-tailed Albatross Item short-tailedalbatross 01 Icon attack 16x16161 Icon defense 16x16121 Mw tournament icon atk def282 Animals Mafiawars crates uncommon
Jagged Buckler Item jaggedbuckler 01 Icon attack 16x16120 Icon defense 16x16160 Mw tournament icon atk def280 Armor Mafiawars crates uncommon
NK Nightwolf Item nknightwolf 01 Icon attack 16x16119 Icon defense 16x16159 Mw tournament icon atk def278 Vehicles Mafiawars crates uncommon
Lucky Punch Item luckypunch 01 Icon attack 16x16170 Icon defense 16x16128 Mw tournament icon atk def298 Weapons Mafiawars crates rare
Centipede Item centipede 01 Icon attack 16x16129 Icon defense 16x16171 Mw tournament icon atk def300 Animals Mafiawars crates rare
Tarpaulin Hoodie Item tarpaulinhoodie 01 Icon attack 16x16172 Icon defense 16x16130 Mw tournament icon atk def302 Armor Mafiawars crates rare
Coypu Item coypu 01 Icon attack 16x16170 Icon defense 16x16131 Mw tournament icon atk def301 Animals Mafiawars crates rare
Kaze Firestorm Item kazefirestorm 01 Icon attack 16x16172 Icon defense 16x16129 Mw tournament icon atk def301 Vehicles Mafiawars crates rare

Tier 21 rewards were released on January 10, 2013.

Name Image Attack Defense Mw tournament icon atk def Type Rarity
SVR Road Ruler Item svrroadruler 01 Icon attack 16x16116 Icon defense 16x16155 Mw tournament icon atk def271 Vehicles Mafiawars crates uncommon
What's Cooking Item whatscooking 01 Icon attack 16x16156 Icon defense 16x16117 Mw tournament icon atk def273 Weapons Mafiawars crates uncommon
Mountain Elk Item mountainelk 01 Icon attack 16x16117 Icon defense 16x16157 Mw tournament icon atk def274 Animals Mafiawars crates uncommon
Footer Item footer 01 Icon attack 16x16158 Icon defense 16x16118 Mw tournament icon atk def276 Armor Mafiawars crates uncommon
MTech Hydroblade Item mtechhydroblade 01 Icon attack 16x16119 Icon defense 16x16156 Mw tournament icon atk def275 Vehicles Mafiawars crates uncommon
FPS Fourway Item fpsfourway 01 Icon attack 16x16124 Icon defense 16x16167 Mw tournament icon atk def291 Weapons Mafiawars crates rare
Gaur Item gaur 01 Icon attack 16x16168 Icon defense 16x16125 Mw tournament icon atk def293 Animals Mafiawars crates rare
Ancient Wooden Mask Item ancientwoodenmask 01 Icon attack 16x16126 Icon defense 16x16169 Mw tournament icon atk def295 Armor Mafiawars crates rare
Northern Goshawk Item northerngoshawk 01 Icon attack 16x16127 Icon defense 16x16167 Mw tournament icon atk def294 Animals Mafiawars crates rare
Psycho Bug Item psychobug 01 Icon attack 16x16125 Icon defense 16x16169 Mw tournament icon atk def294 Vehicles Mafiawars crates rare

Tier 20 rewards were released on December 21, 2012.

Name Image Attack Defense Mw tournament icon atk def Type Rarity
T-720 Item t-720 01 Icon attack 16x16152 Icon defense 16x16111 Mw tournament icon atk def263 Vehicles Mafiawars crates uncommon
Beam Cyanide Item beamcyanide 01 Icon attack 16x16112 Icon defense 16x16153 Mw tournament icon atk def265 Weapons Mafiawars crates uncommon
Colubridae Item colubridae 01 Icon attack 16x16154 Icon defense 16x16113 Mw tournament icon atk def267 Animals Mafiawars crates uncommon
Anti-Flash Goggles Item anti-flashgoggles 01 Icon attack 16x16114 Icon defense 16x16153 Mw tournament icon atk def267 Armor Mafiawars crates uncommon
Wideback Item wideback 01 Icon attack 16x16115 Icon defense 16x16152 Mw tournament icon atk def267 Vehicles Mafiawars crates uncommon
Ticker Tacker Item tickertacker 01 Icon attack 16x16164 Icon defense 16x16120 Mw tournament icon atk def284 Weapons Mafiawars crates rare
Boat-Billed Heron Item boat-billedheron 01 Icon attack 16x16121 Icon defense 16x16165 Mw tournament icon atk def286 Animals Mafiawars crates rare
Detective Trenchcoat Item detectivetrenchcoat 01 Icon attack 16x16155 Icon defense 16x16122 Mw tournament icon atk def277 Armor Mafiawars crates rare
Mole Salamander Item molesalamander 01 Icon attack 16x16165 Icon defense 16x16123 Mw tournament icon atk def288 Animals Mafiawars crates rare
Three's Company Item threescompany 01 Icon attack 16x16122 Icon defense 16x16166 Mw tournament icon atk def288 Vehicles Mafiawars crates rare

Tier 19 rewards were released on November 29, 2012.

Name Image Attack Defense Mw tournament icon atk def Type Rarity
Street Fighter Street Fighter Icon attack 16x16108 Icon defense 16x16148 Mw tournament icon atk def256 Vehicles Mafiawars crates uncommon
Manrikigusari Item manrikigusari 01 Icon attack 16x16149 Icon defense 16x16109 Mw tournament icon atk def258 Weapons Mafiawars crates uncommon
Chinese Mountain Cat Item chinesemountaincat 01 Icon attack 16x16148 Icon defense 16x16115 Mw tournament icon atk def263 Animals Mafiawars crates uncommon
Winter Jacket Item winterjacket 01 Icon attack 16x16115 Icon defense 16x16150 Mw tournament icon atk def265 Armor Mafiawars crates uncommon
Cooled Fish Item cooledfish 01 Icon attack 16x16109 Icon defense 16x16149 Mw tournament icon atk def258 Vehicles Mafiawars crates uncommon
Sting A Ring Item stingaring 01 Icon attack 16x16160 Icon defense 16x16117 Mw tournament icon atk def277 Weapons Mafiawars crates rare
Palm Cockatoo Item palmcockatoo 01 Icon attack 16x16118 Icon defense 16x16161 Mw tournament icon atk def279 Animals Mafiawars crates rare
Blue Angel Item blueangel 01 Icon attack 16x16162 Icon defense 16x16119 Mw tournament icon atk def281 Vehicles Mafiawars crates rare
Silver-scope Item silver-scope 01 Icon attack 16x16118 Icon defense 16x16162 Mw tournament icon atk def280 Weapons Mafiawars crates rare
Padded Vest Item paddedvest 01 Icon attack 16x16120 Icon defense 16x16163 Mw tournament icon atk def283 Armor Mafiawars crates rare

Tier 18 rewards were released on October 10, 2012.

Name Image Attack Defense Mw tournament icon atk def Type Rarity
Nightblade Item nightblade 01 Icon attack 16x16144 Icon defense 16x16105 Mw tournament icon atk def249 Vehicles Mafiawars crates uncommon
Black Death Item blackdeath 01 Icon attack 16x16106 Icon defense 16x16145 Mw tournament icon atk def251 Weapons Mafiawars crates uncommon
Black Wasp Item blackwasp 01 Icon attack 16x16146 Icon defense 16x16107 Mw tournament icon atk def253 Animals Mafiawars crates uncommon
King's Legplates Item kingslegplates 01 Icon attack 16x16147 Icon defense 16x16108 Mw tournament icon atk def255 Armor Mafiawars crates uncommon
Beetel Bus Item beetelbus 01 Icon attack 16x16107 Icon defense 16x16145 Mw tournament icon atk def252 Vehicles Mafiawars crates uncommon
Silver-Twins Item silver-twins 01 Icon attack 16x16156 Icon defense 16x16113 Mw tournament icon atk def269 Weapons Mafiawars crates rare
Giant Emu Item giantemu 01 Icon attack 16x16157 Icon defense 16x16114 Mw tournament icon atk def271 Animals Mafiawars crates rare
Wing Man Item wingman 01 Icon attack 16x16114 Icon defense 16x16157 Mw tournament icon atk def271 Vehicles Mafiawars crates rare
Western Australian Kangaroo Item westernaustraliankangaroo 01 Icon attack 16x16115 Icon defense 16x16158 Mw tournament icon atk def273 Animals Mafiawars crates rare
King's Helm Item kingshelm 01 Icon attack 16x16156 Icon defense 16x16116 Mw tournament icon atk def272 Armor Mafiawars crates rare

Tier 17 rewards were released on July 12, 2012.

Name Image Attack Defense Mw tournament icon atk def Type Rarity
Chained Ecstasy Item chainedecstasy 01 Icon attack 16x16130 Icon defense 16x1697 Mw tournament icon atk def227 Vehicles Mafiawars crates uncommon
Shine Item shine 01 Icon attack 16x1698 Icon defense 16x16131 Mw tournament icon atk def229 Weapons Mafiawars crates uncommon
Lady Amherst Pheasant Item ladyamherstpheasant 01 Icon attack 16x16131 Icon defense 16x1699 Mw tournament icon atk def230 Animals Mafiawars crates uncommon
Bascinet Item bascinet 01 Icon attack 16x1699 Icon defense 16x16132 Mw tournament icon atk def231 Armor Mafiawars crates uncommon
Brain n Brawn Item brainnbrawn 01 Icon attack 16x1697 Icon defense 16x16131 Mw tournament icon atk def228 Vehicles Mafiawars crates uncommon
Hand-bang Item handbang 01 Icon attack 16x16142 Icon defense 16x16105 Mw tournament icon atk def247 Weapons Mafiawars crates rare
Duckling Item duckling 01 Icon attack 16x16106 Icon defense 16x16143 Mw tournament icon atk def249 Animals Mafiawars crates rare
Sabatons Item sabatons 01 Icon attack 16x16144 Icon defense 16x16107 Mw tournament icon atk def251 Armor Mafiawars crates rare
Bonobo Item bonobo 01 Icon attack 16x16144 Icon defense 16x16107 Mw tournament icon atk def251 Animals Mafiawars crates rare
Real Steel Item realsteel 01 Icon attack 16x16105 Icon defense 16x16142 Mw tournament icon atk def247 Vehicles Mafiawars crates rare

Tier 16 rewards were released on July 12, 2012.

Name Image Attack Defense Mw tournament icon atk def Type Rarity
Hybrid Routemaster Item hybridroutemaster 01 Icon attack 16x1695 Icon defense 16x16128 Mw tournament icon atk def223 Vehicles Mafiawars crates uncommon
Dual Crusher Item dualcrusher 01 Icon attack 16x16129 Icon defense 16x1696 Mw tournament icon atk def225 Weapons Mafiawars crates uncommon
Bandicoot Item bandicoot 01 Icon attack 16x16129 Icon defense 16x1697 Mw tournament icon atk def226 Animals Mafiawars crates uncommon
Desert Camos Item desertcamos 01 Icon attack 16x1697 Icon defense 16x16130 Mw tournament icon atk def227 Armor Mafiawars crates uncommon
Eye in the Water Item eyeinthewater 01 Icon attack 16x16128 Icon defense 16x1695 Mw tournament icon atk def223 Vehicles Mafiawars crates uncommon
Powder Blue Item powderblue 01 Icon attack 16x16140 Icon defense 16x16103 Mw tournament icon atk def243 Weapons Mafiawars crates rare
Tuatara Item tuatara 01 Icon attack 16x16104 Icon defense 16x16141 Mw tournament icon atk def245 Animals Mafiawars crates rare
Gjermundbu Item gjermundbu 01 Icon attack 16x16141 Icon defense 16x16104 Mw tournament icon atk def245 Armor Mafiawars crates rare
In-Tox Item intox 02 Icon attack 16x16105 Icon defense 16x16142 Mw tournament icon atk def247 Weapons Mafiawars crates rare
Laser Security Item lasersecurity 01 Icon attack 16x16103 Icon defense 16x16140 Mw tournament icon atk def243 Armor Mafiawars crates rare

Tier 15 rewards were released on July 12, 2012.

Name Image Attack Defense Mw tournament icon atk def Type Rarity
Futura Ace Item futuraace 01 Icon attack 16x16126 Icon defense 16x1693 Mw tournament icon atk def219 Vehicles Mafiawars crates uncommon
Historic Hack Item historichack 01 Icon attack 16x1694 Icon defense 16x16127 Mw tournament icon atk def221 Weapons Mafiawars crates uncommon
May Fly Item mayfly 01 Icon attack 16x16127 Icon defense 16x1693 Mw tournament icon atk def220 Animals Mafiawars crates uncommon
Get A Grip Item getagrip 01 Icon attack 16x16128 Icon defense 16x1694 Mw tournament icon atk def222 Armor Mafiawars crates uncommon
Canoe Item canoe 01 Icon attack 16x1695 Icon defense 16x16126 Mw tournament icon atk def221 Vehicles Mafiawars crates uncommon
Pen-dent Item pendent 01 Icon attack 16x16138 Icon defense 16x16101 Mw tournament icon atk def239 Weapons Mafiawars crates rare
Albino Wallaby Item albinowallaby 01 Icon attack 16x16139 Icon defense 16x16102 Mw tournament icon atk def241 Animals Mafiawars crates rare
Spiked Lash Item spikedlash 01 Icon attack 16x16103 Icon defense 16x16139 Mw tournament icon atk def242 Armor Mafiawars crates rare
Olm Item olm 01 Icon attack 16x16101 Icon defense 16x16140 Mw tournament icon atk def241 Animals Mafiawars crates rare
Padded Up Item paddedup 01 Icon attack 16x16138 Icon defense 16x16103 Mw tournament icon atk def241 Armor Mafiawars crates rare

Tier 14 rewards were released on April 26, 2012.

Name Image Attack Defense Mw tournament icon atk def Type Rarity
Hydro Wing Item hydrowing 01 Icon attack 16x16125 Icon defense 16x1692 Mw tournament icon atk def217 Vehicles Mafiawars crates uncommon
Sliver Item shard 02 Icon attack 16x1691 Icon defense 16x16124 Mw tournament icon atk def215 Weapons Mafiawars crates uncommon
Kerivoula Item kerivoulakachinensis 01 Icon attack 16x16124 Icon defense 16x1691 Mw tournament icon atk def215 Animals Mafiawars crates uncommon
You Nailed It Item younailedit 01 Icon attack 16x1693 Icon defense 16x16126 Mw tournament icon atk def219 Armor Mafiawars crates uncommon
Lunch Box Item lunchbox 01 Icon attack 16x16126 Icon defense 16x1693 Mw tournament icon atk def219 Vehicles Mafiawars crates uncommon
Fully Loaded Item fullyloaded 01 Icon attack 16x16100 Icon defense 16x16136 Mw tournament icon atk def236 Weapons Mafiawars crates rare
Desert Mole Rat Item desertmolerat 01 Icon attack 16x16137 Icon defense 16x16101 Mw tournament icon atk def238 Animals Mafiawars crates rare
Chestcoff Item chestcoff 01 Icon attack 16x16101 Icon defense 16x16137 Mw tournament icon atk def238 Armor Mafiawars crates rare
Roma Item chariot 01 Icon attack 16x16138 Icon defense 16x1699 Mw tournament icon atk def237 Vehicles Mafiawars crates rare
Peddler on the Roof Item peddlerontheroof 01 Icon attack 16x1699 Icon defense 16x16138 Mw tournament icon atk def237 Weapons Mafiawars crates rare

Tier 13 rewards were released on April 26, 2012.

Name Image Attack Defense Mw tournament icon atk def Type Rarity
Raptorize Item raptorize 01 Icon attack 16x16120 Icon defense 16x1690 Mw tournament icon atk def210 Vehicles Mafiawars crates uncommon
Suffocation Pillow Item suffocationpillow 01 Icon attack 16x1690 Icon defense 16x16120 Mw tournament icon atk def210 Weapons Mafiawars crates uncommon
Sao Tome Shrew Item saotomeshrew 01 Icon attack 16x16121 Icon defense 16x1689 Mw tournament icon atk def210 Animals Mafiawars crates uncommon
Shinical Item shinical 01 Icon attack 16x1689 Icon defense 16x16121 Mw tournament icon atk def210 Armor Mafiawars crates uncommon
Sled-hammer Item bobsled 01 Icon attack 16x16122 Icon defense 16x1690 Mw tournament icon atk def212 Vehicles Mafiawars crates uncommon
Jump Starter Item jumpstarter 01 Icon attack 16x1698 Icon defense 16x16133 Mw tournament icon atk def231 Weapons Mafiawars crates rare
Malaysian Exploding Ant Item malaysianexplodingant 01 Icon attack 16x16133 Icon defense 16x1698 Mw tournament icon atk def231 Animals Mafiawars crates rare
Bearneccessities Item bearneccessities 01 Icon attack 16x1699 Icon defense 16x16134 Mw tournament icon atk def233 Armor Mafiawars crates rare
Lonesome George Item lonesomegeorge 01 Icon attack 16x16134 Icon defense 16x1699 Mw tournament icon atk def233 Animals Mafiawars crates rare
Armorella Item armorella 01 Icon attack 16x16100 Icon defense 16x16135 Mw tournament icon atk def235 Armor Mafiawars crates rare

Tier 12 rewards were released on April 26, 2012.

Name Image Attack Defense Mw tournament icon atk def Type Rarity
Teardrop Item teardrop 01 Icon attack 16x16118 Icon defense 16x1688 Mw tournament icon atk def206 Vehicles Mafiawars crates uncommon
Pitchfork Item pitchfork 01 Icon attack 16x1688 Icon defense 16x16119 Mw tournament icon atk def207 Weapons Mafiawars crates uncommon
Tarsier Item tarsiers 01 Icon attack 16x16119 Icon defense 16x1689 Mw tournament icon atk def208 Animals Mafiawars crates uncommon
Rafting Vest Item raftingvest 01 Icon attack 16x1689 Icon defense 16x16120 Mw tournament icon atk def209 Armor Mafiawars crates uncommon
Chopcycle Item chopcycle 01 Icon attack 16x16118 Icon defense 16x1690 Mw tournament icon atk def208 Vehicles Mafiawars crates uncommon
Flying Claw Item flyingclaws 01 Icon attack 16x1697 Icon defense 16x16128 Mw tournament icon atk def225 Weapons Mafiawars crates rare
Okapi Item okapi 01 Icon attack 16x16128 Icon defense 16x1697 Mw tournament icon atk def225 Animals Mafiawars crates rare
SkateX Racing Gloves Item skatexracinggloves 01 Icon attack 16x1697 Icon defense 16x16129 Mw tournament icon atk def226 Armor Mafiawars crates rare
Marmalade Item marmalade 01 Icon attack 16x16129 Icon defense 16x1698 Mw tournament icon atk def227 Vehicles Mafiawars crates rare
Skele-Blow Item skele-blow 01 Icon attack 16x1698 Icon defense 16x16130 Mw tournament icon atk def228 Weapons Mafiawars crates rare

Tier 11 rewards were released on February 8, 2012.

Name Image Attack Defense Mw tournament icon atk def Type Rarity
Formula Car Item formulacar 01 Icon attack 16x16112 Icon defense 16x1687 Mw tournament icon atk def199 Vehicles Mafiawars crates uncommon
Smooth Killer 2908 Item smoothkilleruzi-2908 01 Icon attack 16x1686 Icon defense 16x16113 Mw tournament icon atk def199 Weapons Mafiawars crates uncommon
False Killer Whale Item falsekillerwhale 01 Icon attack 16x16115 Icon defense 16x1688 Mw tournament icon atk def203 Animals Mafiawars crates uncommon
Radio Scanner Item radioscanner 01 Icon attack 16x1687 Icon defense 16x16114 Mw tournament icon atk def201 Armor Mafiawars crates uncommon
Prism Proto Boat Item prismprotoboat 01 Icon attack 16x16115 Icon defense 16x1688 Mw tournament icon atk def203 Vehicles Mafiawars crates uncommon
Night Watch X6 Item nightwatchx6 01 Icon attack 16x1695 Icon defense 16x16124 Mw tournament icon atk def219 Weapons Mafiawars crates rare
Mallomys Giant Rat Item mallomysgiantrat 01 Icon attack 16x16123 Icon defense 16x1694 Mw tournament icon atk def217 Animals Mafiawars crates rare
Electromagnetic Shield Item electromagneticshield 01 Icon attack 16x1695 Icon defense 16x16124 Mw tournament icon atk def219 Armor Mafiawars crates rare
Clockwork Trike Item clockworktrike 01 Icon attack 16x16125 Icon defense 16x1696 Mw tournament icon atk def221 Vehicles Mafiawars crates rare
Gemini Scythe Item geminiscythe 01 Icon attack 16x1695 Icon defense 16x16126 Mw tournament icon atk def221 Weapons Mafiawars crates rare

Tier 10 rewards were released on February 8, 2012.

Name Image Attack Defense Mw tournament icon atk def Type Rarity
Chacma Baboon Item chacmababoon 01 Icon attack 16x1683 Icon defense 16x16111 Mw tournament icon atk def194 Animals Mafiawars crates uncommon
Aviator Helm Item aviatorhelm 01 Icon attack 16x16109 Icon defense 16x1684 Mw tournament icon atk def193 Armor Mafiawars crates uncommon
Raft Boat Item raftboat 01 Icon attack 16x1686 Icon defense 16x16110 Mw tournament icon atk def196 Vehicles Mafiawars crates uncommon
Grip Kicker Item gripkicker 01 Icon attack 16x16111 Icon defense 16x1684 Mw tournament icon atk def195 Weapons Mafiawars crates uncommon
Fangtooth Fish Item fangtoothfish 01 Icon attack 16x1685 Icon defense 16x16112 Mw tournament icon atk def197 Animals Mafiawars crates uncommon
Flash Gloves Item flashgloves 01 Icon attack 16x16120 Icon defense 16x1690 Mw tournament icon atk def210 Armor Mafiawars crates rare
Hyper Jet Ski Item hyperjetski 01 Icon attack 16x1691 Icon defense 16x16121 Mw tournament icon atk def212 Vehicles Mafiawars crates rare
Clipper Pistol Item clipperpistol 01 Icon attack 16x16119 Icon defense 16x1690 Mw tournament icon atk def209 Weapons Mafiawars crates rare
Giant Arapaima Item giantarapaima 01 Icon attack 16x1692 Icon defense 16x16120 Mw tournament icon atk def212 Animals Mafiawars crates rare
Cut Boots Item cutboots 01 Icon attack 16x16121 Icon defense 16x1691 Mw tournament icon atk def212 Armor Mafiawars crates rare

Tier 9 rewards were released on February 8, 2012.

Name Image Attack Defense Mw tournament icon atk def Type Rarity
4-Wheel Bike Item 4-wheelconceptmotorcycle 01 Icon attack 16x16105 Icon defense 16x1682 Mw tournament icon atk def187 Vehicles Mafiawars crates uncommon
Shock Dart Item shockdarts 01 Icon attack 16x1681 Icon defense 16x16106 Mw tournament icon atk def187 Weapons Mafiawars crates uncommon
Binturong Item binturong 01 Icon attack 16x16107 Icon defense 16x1683 Mw tournament icon atk def190 Animals Mafiawars crates uncommon
Stream Splitter Helm Item streamsplitterhelm 01 Icon attack 16x1682 Icon defense 16x16108 Mw tournament icon atk def190 Armor Mafiawars crates uncommon
3-Wheel Scooter Item 3-wheelscooter 01 Icon attack 16x16109 Icon defense 16x1683 Mw tournament icon atk def192 Vehicles Mafiawars crates uncommon
Electric Automatic Item electricautomatic 01 Icon attack 16x1689 Icon defense 16x16116 Mw tournament icon atk def205 Weapons Mafiawars crates rare
Sand Python Item sandpython 01 Icon attack 16x16117 Icon defense 16x1690 Mw tournament icon atk def207 Animals Mafiawars crates rare
Molle pack Item mollepack 01 Icon attack 16x1691 Icon defense 16x16115 Mw tournament icon atk def206 Armor Mafiawars crates rare
Double Fin Item doublefin 01 Icon attack 16x16116 Icon defense 16x1691 Mw tournament icon atk def207 Vehicles Mafiawars crates rare
Corroded Blade Item corodedblade 01 Icon attack 16x1690 Icon defense 16x16117 Mw tournament icon atk def207 Weapons Mafiawars crates rare

Tier 8 rewards were released on October 8, 2011.

Name Image Attack Defense Mw tournament icon atk def Type Rarity
Blue Jay Item bluejay 01 Icon attack 16x1699 Icon defense 16x1679 Mw tournament icon atk def178 Animals Mafiawars crates uncommon
Wasp Wing Mask Item waspwingmask 01 Icon attack 16x1685 Icon defense 16x16100 Mw tournament icon atk def185 Armor Mafiawars crates uncommon
Green Rider Item greenrider 01 Icon attack 16x1677 Icon defense 16x16100 Mw tournament icon atk def177 Vehicles Mafiawars crates uncommon
M41 Official Issue Item m41officialissue 01 Icon attack 16x16100 Icon defense 16x1680 Mw tournament icon atk def180 Weapons Mafiawars crates uncommon
Armadillo Item armadillo 01 Icon attack 16x16101 Icon defense 16x1677 Mw tournament icon atk def178 Animals Mafiawars crates uncommon
Blazer Item blazer 01 Icon attack 16x1686 Icon defense 16x16106 Mw tournament icon atk def192 Armor Mafiawars crates rare
Penalty Stick Item penaltystick 01 Icon attack 16x16105 Icon defense 16x1685 Mw tournament icon atk def190 Weapons Mafiawars crates rare
Mortis Item mortis 01 Icon attack 16x1682 Icon defense 16x16107 Mw tournament icon atk def189 Vehicles Mafiawars crates rare
Ringtail Cat Item ringtailcat 01 Icon attack 16x1683 Icon defense 16x16106 Mw tournament icon atk def189 Animals Mafiawars crates rare
FE Lime Guard Item felimeguard 01 Icon attack 16x1682 Icon defense 16x16108 Mw tournament icon atk def190 Armor Mafiawars crates rare

Tier 7 rewards were released on October 8, 2011.

Name Image Attack Defense Mw tournament icon atk def Type Rarity
Outrunner Item outrunner 01 Icon attack 16x1678 Icon defense 16x1697 Mw tournament icon atk def175 Vehicles Mafiawars crates uncommon
Lungfish Item lungfish 01 Icon attack 16x1698 Icon defense 16x1685 Mw tournament icon atk def183 Animals Mafiawars crates uncommon
Collar Guard Item collarguard 01 Icon attack 16x1698 Icon defense 16x1676 Mw tournament icon atk def174 Armor Mafiawars crates uncommon
Stealth Shooter Item stealthshooter 01 Icon attack 16x1679 Icon defense 16x1698 Mw tournament icon atk def177 Weapons Mafiawars crates uncommon
Neon Cruiser Item neoncruiser 01 Icon attack 16x1677 Icon defense 16x1699 Mw tournament icon atk def176 Vehicles Mafiawars crates uncommon
Moon Boots Item moonboots 01 Icon attack 16x16104 Icon defense 16x1684 Mw tournament icon atk def188 Armor Mafiawars crates rare
Hyacinth Macaw Item hyacinthmacaw 01 Icon attack 16x1683 Icon defense 16x16103 Mw tournament icon atk def186 Animals Mafiawars crates rare
Detective Special Item detectivespecial 01 Icon attack 16x16105 Icon defense 16x1683 Mw tournament icon atk def188 Weapons Mafiawars crates rare
Ojibwa Snowshoes Item ojibwasnowshoes 01 Icon attack 16x16104 Icon defense 16x1683 Mw tournament icon atk def187 Armor Mafiawars crates rare
Bullet Truck Item bullettruck 01 Icon attack 16x16106 Icon defense 16x1682 Mw tournament icon atk def188 Vehicles Mafiawars crates rare

Tier 6 rewards were released on October 8, 2011.

Name Image Attack Defense Mw tournament icon atk def Type Rarity
Zebra Item zebra 01 Icon attack 16x1695 Icon defense 16x1677 Mw tournament icon atk def172 Animals Mafiawars crates uncommon
Gas Line Item gasline 01 Icon attack 16x1674 Icon defense 16x1696 Mw tournament icon atk def170 Vehicles Mafiawars crates uncommon
Minding Mines Item mindingmines 01 Icon attack 16x1675 Icon defense 16x1696 Mw tournament icon atk def171 Armor Mafiawars crates uncommon
Phobos Phaser Item phobosphaser 01 Icon attack 16x1696 Icon defense 16x1678 Mw tournament icon atk def174 Weapons Mafiawars crates uncommon
Wrist Watcher Item wristwatcher 01 Icon attack 16x1697 Icon defense 16x1677 Mw tournament icon atk def174 Armor Mafiawars crates uncommon
Subporpoise Item subporpoise 01 Icon attack 16x1683 Icon defense 16x16102 Mw tournament icon atk def185 Vehicles Mafiawars crates rare
Flex Help Item flexhelp 01 Icon attack 16x16101 Icon defense 16x1683 Mw tournament icon atk def184 Armor Mafiawars crates rare
Mantis Flyby Item mantisflyby 01 Icon attack 16x1683 Icon defense 16x16103 Mw tournament icon atk def186 Vehicles Mafiawars crates rare
Chuck Pistol Item chuckpistol 01 Icon attack 16x1682 Icon defense 16x16102 Mw tournament icon atk def184 Weapons Mafiawars crates rare
Beisa Oryx Item beisaoryx 01 Icon attack 16x1681 Icon defense 16x16104 Mw tournament icon atk def185 Animals Mafiawars crates rare

Tier 5 rewards were released on June 23, 2011.

Name Image Attack Defense Mw tournament icon atk def Type Rarity
Speak Quietly Item speakquietly 01 Icon attack 16x1675 Icon defense 16x1690 Mw tournament icon atk def165 Weapons Mafiawars crates uncommon
Personal Shield Item personalshield 01 Icon attack 16x1692 Icon defense 16x1672 Mw tournament icon atk def164 Armor Mafiawars crates uncommon
Offwhite Rabbit Item offwhiterabbit 01 Icon attack 16x1690 Icon defense 16x1673 Mw tournament icon atk def163 Weapons Mafiawars crates uncommon
Rhino Lifter Item rhinolifter 01 Icon attack 16x1676 Icon defense 16x1691 Mw tournament icon atk def167 Vehicles Mafiawars crates uncommon
Emu Item emu 01 Icon attack 16x1675 Icon defense 16x1692 Mw tournament icon atk def167 Animals Mafiawars crates uncommon
Hybrid Flight Item hybridflight 01 Icon attack 16x1698 Icon defense 16x1681 Mw tournament icon atk def179 Vehicles Mafiawars crates rare
Sloth Bear Item slothbear 01 Icon attack 16x1682 Icon defense 16x1697 Mw tournament icon atk def179 Animals Mafiawars crates rare
Shark Saw Item sharksaw 01 Icon attack 16x1699 Icon defense 16x1681 Mw tournament icon atk def180 Weapons Mafiawars crates rare
Penguin Tux Item penguintux 01 Icon attack 16x1698 Icon defense 16x1680 Mw tournament icon atk def178 Armor Mafiawars crates rare
Paraglider Item paraglider 01 Icon attack 16x16100 Icon defense 16x1679 Mw tournament icon atk def179 Vehicles Mafiawars crates rare

Tier 4 rewards were released on June 23, 2011.

Name Image Attack Defense Mw tournament icon atk def Type Rarity
Deimos Dagger Item deimosdagger 01 Icon attack 16x1678 Icon defense 16x1665 Mw tournament icon atk def143 Weapons Mafiawars crates uncommon
Leg Up Item legup 01 Icon attack 16x1680 Icon defense 16x1661 Mw tournament icon atk def141 Armor Mafiawars crates uncommon
Mud Crawler Item mudcrawler 01 Icon attack 16x1660 Icon defense 16x1681 Mw tournament icon atk def141 Vehicles Mafiawars crates uncommon
Zorse Item zorse 01 Icon attack 16x1681 Icon defense 16x1666 Mw tournament icon atk def147 Animals Mafiawars crates uncommon
Orangutan Item orangutan 01 Icon attack 16x1682 Icon defense 16x1668 Mw tournament icon atk def150 Animals Mafiawars crates uncommon
Night on the Town Item nightonthetown 01 Icon attack 16x1672 Icon defense 16x1688 Mw tournament icon atk def160 Weapons Mafiawars crates rare
Huntsman Item huntsman 01 Icon attack 16x1675 Icon defense 16x1689 Mw tournament icon atk def164 Armor Mafiawars crates rare
Beluga Jumbo Jet Item belugajumbojet 01 Icon attack 16x1690 Icon defense 16x1670 Mw tournament icon atk def160 Vehicles Mafiawars crates rare
Longhorn Limo Item longhornlimo 01 Icon attack 16x1691 Icon defense 16x1675 Mw tournament icon atk def166 Vehicles Mafiawars crates rare
Kaka Item kaka 01 Icon attack 16x1679 Icon defense 16x1692 Mw tournament icon atk def171 Animals Mafiawars crates rare

Tier 3 rewards were released on May 5, 2011.

Name Image Attack Defense Mw tournament icon atk def Type Rarity
Curled Horn Helm Item curledhornhelm 01 Icon attack 16x1671 Icon defense 16x1651 Mw tournament icon atk def122 Armor Mafiawars crates uncommon
Force Fire Item forcefire 01 Icon attack 16x1652 Icon defense 16x1670 Mw tournament icon atk def122 Weapons Mafiawars crates uncommon
Roadster Rage Item roadsterrage 01 Icon attack 16x1653 Icon defense 16x1672 Mw tournament icon atk def125 Vehicles Mafiawars crates uncommon
Scottish Wild Cat Item scottishwildcat 01 Icon attack 16x1671 Icon defense 16x1650 Mw tournament icon atk def121 Animals Mafiawars crates uncommon
Snow Drift Item snowcrawlerwar 01 Icon attack 16x1654 Icon defense 16x1672 Mw tournament icon atk def126 Vehicles Mafiawars crates uncommon
Juggernaut Item juggernaut 01 Icon attack 16x1665 Icon defense 16x1679 Mw tournament icon atk def144 Vehicles Mafiawars crates rare
King Cobra Item kingcobra 01 Icon attack 16x1680 Icon defense 16x1662 Mw tournament icon atk def142 Animals Mafiawars crates rare
Pisces Harpoon Gun Item piscesharpoongun 01 Icon attack 16x1664 Icon defense 16x1678 Mw tournament icon atk def142 Weapons Mafiawars crates rare
Sheet Metal Blade Item sheetmetalblade 01 Icon attack 16x1679 Icon defense 16x1663 Mw tournament icon atk def142 Weapons Mafiawars crates rare
Tlingit Parka Item tlingitparka 01 Icon attack 16x1664 Icon defense 16x1681 Mw tournament icon atk def145 Armor Mafiawars crates rare

Tier 2 rewards were released on May 5, 2011.

Name Image Attack Defense Mw tournament icon atk def Type Rarity
Growler Firearm Item growlerfirearm 01 Icon attack 16x1658 Icon defense 16x1645 Mw tournament icon atk def103 Weapons Mafiawars crates uncommon
Simian Safeguard Item simiansafeguard 01 Icon attack 16x1643 Icon defense 16x1658 Mw tournament icon atk def101 Armor Mafiawars crates uncommon
Heat Seeker Item heatseeker 01 Icon attack 16x1646 Icon defense 16x1660 Mw tournament icon atk def106 Armor Mafiawars crates uncommon
Bayou Trike Item bayoutrike 01 Icon attack 16x1661 Icon defense 16x1648 Mw tournament icon atk def109 Vehicle Mafiawars crates uncommon
California Condor Item californiacondor 01 Icon attack 16x1642 Icon defense 16x1660 Mw tournament icon atk def102 Animals Mafiawars crates uncommon
Hook Sword Item hooksword 01 Icon attack 16x1672 Icon defense 16x1651 Mw tournament icon atk def123 Weapons Mafiawars crates rare
Amur River Boat Item amurriverboat 01 Icon attack 16x1669 Icon defense 16x1650 Mw tournament icon atk def119 Vehicles Mafiawars crates rare
Rhino Helmet Item kevlarrhinohelmet 01 Icon attack 16x1671 Icon defense 16x1649 Mw tournament icon atk def120 Armor Mafiawars crates rare
Rhinoceros Beetle Item rhinocerousbeetle 01 Icon attack 16x1652 Icon defense 16x1672 Mw tournament icon atk def124 Animals Mafiawars crates rare
Juvenile Tiger Item jtiger 01 Icon attack 16x1670 Icon defense 16x1651 Mw tournament icon atk def121 Animals Mafiawars crates rare

Tier 1 rewards were released on September 30, 2010.

Name Image Attack Defense Mw tournament icon atk def Type Rarity
Canonazo Canonanzo b75x Icon attack 16x1642 Icon defense 16x1622 Mw tournament icon atk def64 Weapons Mafiawars crates common
Big Bad Wolf Item bigbadwolf 01 Icon attack 16x1642 Icon defense 16x1625 Mw tournament icon atk def67 Weapons Mafiawars crates common
Tanto Item bangkok tanto b Icon attack 16x1643 Icon defense 16x1628 Mw tournament icon atk def71 Weapons Mafiawars crates common
String of Firecrackers Item stringoffirecrackers 01 Icon attack 16x1633 Icon defense 16x1646 Mw tournament icon atk def79 Weapons Mafiawars crates common
Raed Armored Sedan Item raedarmoredsedan 01 Icon attack 16x1630 Icon defense 16x1647 Mw tournament icon atk def77 Vehicles Mafiawars crates common
Deadly Impression Item deadlyimpression Icon attack 16x1628 Icon defense 16x1647 Mw tournament icon atk def75 Vehicles Mafiawars crates common
Cataclysmic Item cataclysmic 01 Icon attack 16x1653 Icon defense 16x1626 Mw tournament icon atk def79 Vehicles Mafiawars crates uncommon
Savanna Baboon Item savannababoon 01 Icon attack 16x1625 Icon defense 16x1654 Mw tournament icon atk def79 Animals Mafiawars crates uncommon
Snapping Turtle Item snappingturtle 01 Icon attack 16x1656 Icon defense 16x1625 Mw tournament icon atk def81 Animals Mafiawars crates uncommon
Duster Item duster 01 Icon attack 16x1627 Icon defense 16x1656 Mw tournament icon atk def83 Armor Mafiawars crates uncommon
Spiked Baton] Item spikedbaton 01 Icon attack 16x1658 Icon defense 16x1628 Mw tournament icon atk def86 Weapons Mafiawars crates uncommon
Pair of Armored Biker Boots Item armoredbikerboot 01 Icon attack 16x1627 Icon defense 16x1659 Mw tournament icon atk def86 Armor Mafiawars crates uncommon
Contender Item contender 01 Icon attack 16x1633 Icon defense 16x1663 Mw tournament icon atk def96 Vehicles Mafiawars crates rare
Galapagos Hawk Item galapagoshawk 01 Icon attack 16x1664 Icon defense 16x1632 Mw tournament icon atk def96 Animals Mafiawars crates rare
Growler Item growler 01 Icon attack 16x1633 Icon defense 16x1665 Mw tournament icon atk def98 Vehicles Mafiawars crates rare
Hack N Slash Item hacknslash 01 Icon attack 16x1665 Icon defense 16x1635 Mw tournament icon atk def100 Weapons Mafiawars crates rare

These rewards were originally available, but later removed when the war system was revamped and tiered rewards were introduced.

Name Image Attack Defense Mw tournament icon atk def Type
Pair of Pet Tigers Item Tigers 75x75 01 Icon attack 16x1628 Icon defense 16x1612 Mw tournament icon atk def40 Animals
Cue Ball Item cueball 01 Icon attack 16x1619 Icon defense 16x1616 Mw tournament icon atk def35 Weapons


You can earn 34 Achievements while doing Wars.

  • Mwach firstblood 75x75 01 First Blood - Declare and win the war
  • Mwach veteran 75x75 01 Veteran - Participate in 500 wars
  • Mw warlord achievements Warlord 1 - Earned by obtaining all 1st tier War rewards
  • Mw warlord achievements2 Warlord 2 - Earned by obtaining all 2nd tier War rewards
  • Mw warlord achievements3 Warlord 3 - Earned by obtaining all 3rd tier War rewards
  • Mw warlord achievements4 Warlord 4 - Earned by obtaining all 4th tier War rewards
  • Mw warlord achievements5 Warlord 5 - Earned by obtaining all 5th tier War rewards
  • Mw warlord achievements6 Warlord 6 - Earned by obtaining all 6th tier War rewards
  • Mw warlord achievements7 Warlord 7 - Earned by obtaining all 7th tier War rewards
  • Mw warlord achievements8 Warlord 8 - Earned by obtaining all 8th tier War rewards
  • Mw warlord achievements9 Warlord 9 - Earned by obtaining all 9th tier War rewards
  • Mw warlord achievements10 Warlord 10 - Earned by obtaining all 10th tier War rewards
  • Mw warlord achievements11 Warlord 11 - Earned by obtaining all 11th tier War rewards
  • Mw warlord achievements12 Warlord 12 - Earned by obtaining all 12th tier War rewards
  • Mw warlord achievements13 Warlord 13 - Earned by obtaining all 13th tier War rewards
  • Mw warlord achievements14 Warlord 14 - Earned by obtaining all 14th tier War rewards
  • Mw warlord achievements15 Warlord 15 - Earned by obtaining all 15th tier War rewards
  • Mw warlord achievements16 Warlord 16 - Earned by obtaining all 16th tier War rewards
  • Mw warlord achievements17 Warlord 17 - Earned by obtaining all 17th tier War rewards
  • Mw warlord achievements18 Warlord 18 - Earned by obtaining all 18th tier War rewards
  • Mw warlord achievements19 Warlord 19 - Earned by obtaining all 19th tier War rewards
  • Mw warlord achievements20 Warlord 20 - Earned by obtaining all 20th tier War rewards
  • Mw warlord achievements21 Warlord 21 - Earned by obtaining all 21st tier War rewards
  • Mw warlord achievements22 Warlord 22 - Earned by obtaining all 22nd tier War rewards
  • Mw warlord achievements23 Warlord 23 - Earned by obtaining all 23rd tier War rewards
  • Mw warlord achievements24 Warlord 24 - Earned by obtaining all 24th tier War rewards
  • Mw warlord achievements25 Warlord 25 - Earned by obtaining all 25th tier War rewards
  • Mw warlord achievements26 Warlord 26 - Earned by obtaining all 26th tier War rewards
  • Mw warlord achievements27 Warlord 27 - Earned by obtaining all 27th tier War rewards
  • Mw warlord achievements28 Warlord 28 - Earned by obtaining all 28th tier War rewards
  • Mw warlord achievements29 Warlord 29 - Earned by obtaining all 29th tier War rewards
  • Mw warlord achievements30 Warlord 30 - Earned by obtaining all 30th tier War rewards
  • Mw warlord achievements31 Warlord 31 - Earned by obtaining all 31st tier War rewards
  • Mw warlord achievements32 Warlord 32 - Earned by obtaining all 32nd tier War rewards

Blog Posts[]

Brush up on Sun Tzu's The Art of War and grab your helmet. It's time to declare war on your enemies. We have updated the Declare War feature so that you go to war against rivals instead of your friends/frienemies. We have included 10 new awesome rewards and a new achievement that you can only get from winning wars. Here's how you go to war.

1. Make sure you have assigned your top 6 mafia members. You can do that by clicking the "My Mafia" tab and picking 6 friends to fill up those top slots. A friend's class (Fearless, Maniac, or Mogul) determines which position (ie Bodyguard, Bagman, Wheelman) you can promote them to.

2. Go to the Declare War page and pick an enemy to attack. Your war lasts 16 hours, and you can only declare one war each time.

3. Recruit your mafia to go to battle with you. The more friends that help you bring down your enemy, the better chance you have to win. Friends get "Helper rewards" if you win your war. Friends can help fight in as many wars as they want, but can only receive "Helper rewards" for the first 5 wars they contribute to.

4. Below are all the items you can win from Declare War. Earn all 16 Declare War rewards to gain the Warlord Achievement.

Mafia Wars Blog

Declaring war and helping your friends out with their wars is a great way to collect some awesome loot. Because the war loot is so awesome, we limit how much of it can be collected in a day to maintain game balance.

We have discovered that some of you have collected more than you should have. We will be reclaiming this extra war loot over the next few weeks. This will only effect non-giftable, tier 2, high-end war loot and above.

So, to recap: If you have collected more high-end loot from wars than you should have, we will be adjusting your quantity of that loot to what you should have earned within the appropriate limits.

Mafia Wars Blog

