Mafia Wars Wiki
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Staten Island is the seventh Challenge Mission available. The aim is to complete 4 jobs from each chapter and advance to the next chapter. The first stage was unlocked on June 2, 2011. On June 9, 2011 around 12 hours before the end of the Challenge Mission missing it was announced that Staten Island will be extended until June 12, 2011. The reason for it to be extended was that alot of people were having difficulties finishing the Challenge Mission due to a facebook bug involving gift requests.



You can collect Ferry Passes every 23 hours. At the start you were given 20 Ferry Passes, later it became 30 then 40 and lastly 50.

Ferry Passes can also be sent via Facebook gifting, wall posts, and by icing other players on Fight page.

Job Heat Meter

Each time you do a job, you'll increase the job heat meter. The higher the heat the more Ferry Passes you'll need to use for each job. Every 8 hours the job heat meter resets. The job heat meter turns orange after six and after five more it turns red. If you do a job while the job meter is still orange (and hasn't reset yet) the time will reset back to 8 hours.

Chapter 1 - Cutting the Line[]

MW CM7 Ch 01

Mastery Reward:

Item seapod 01

Sea Pod

Icon attack 16x16128 Icon defense 16x1694 Mw tournament icon atk def222

Ride Along To Investigate[]

Mastery Levels Payout This job requires...
Gold Mastery 15%
Icon experience 16x16 22 (2 (1) [0.81])
11 (22) [27] Energy Item ferrypass 01 x1 (x2) (x3)

Minimum number of Ferry Passes required: 7

Reassure Illegal Business Partners[]

Mastery Levels Payout This job requires...
Gold Mastery 10%
Icon experience 16x16 44 (2 (1) [0.8])
22 (44) [55] Energy Item ferrypass 01 x1 (x2) (x3)

Minimum number of Ferry Passes required: 10

Set a Trap For Ambushers[]

Mastery Levels Payout This job requires...
Gold Mastery 8%
Icon experience 16x16 77 (2.03 (1) [0.83])
38 (77) [93] Energy Item ferrypass 01 x2 (x3) (x4)

Minimum number of Ferry Passes required: 26

Make The Deal[]

Mastery Levels Payout This job requires...
Gold Mastery 7%
Icon experience 16x16 93 (2.11 (1.06) [0.89])
44 (88) [104] Energy Item ferrypass 01 x2 (x3) (x4)

Minimum number of Ferry Passes required: 30

Chapter 2 - Whack Their Leaders[]

MW CM7 Ch 02

Mastery Reward:

Item underpressure 01

Under Pressure

Icon attack 16x16104 Icon defense 16x16148 Mw tournament icon atk def252

Investigate Their Operation[]

Mastery Levels Payout This job requires...
Gold Mastery 9%
Icon experience 16x16 44 (2 (1) [0.8])
22 (44) [55] Energy Item ferrypass 01 x2 (x3) (x4)

Minimum number of Ferry Passes required: 24

Hunt Down The Ringleaders[]

Mastery Levels Payout This job requires...
Gold Mastery 7%
Icon experience 16x16 66 (2 (1) [0.86])
33 (66) [77] Energy Item ferrypass 01 x2 (x3) (x4)

Minimum number of Ferry Passes required: 30

Take Hostages For Interrogation[]

Mastery Levels Payout This job requires...
Gold Mastery 6%
Icon experience 16x16 99 (2.02 (1) [0.82])
49 (99) [121] Energy Item ferrypass 01 x3 (x4) (x5)

Minimum number of Ferry Passes required: 51

Execute The Underboss[]

Mastery Levels Payout This job requires...
Gold Mastery 5%
Icon experience 16x16 115 (2.09 (1) [0.84])
55 (115) [137] Energy Item ferrypass 01 x4 (x5) (x6)

Minimum number of Ferry Passes required: 80

Chapter 3 - Find The Source[]

MW CM7 Ch 03

Mastery Reward:

Item heelguards 01

Pair of Heel Guards

Icon attack 16x16168 Icon defense 16x16114 Mw tournament icon atk def282

Track Down The New 'Boss'[]

Mastery Levels Payout This job requires...
Gold Mastery 8%
Icon experience 16x16 71 (2.15 (1) [0.87])
33 (71) [82] Energy Item ferrypass 01 x3 (x4) (x5)

Minimum number of Ferry Passes required: 39

Infiltrate Their Hideout[]

Mastery Levels Payout This job requires...
Gold Mastery 6%
Icon experience 16x16 99 (2.25 (1.06) [0.9])
44 (93) [110] Energy Item ferrypass 01 x3 (x4) (x5)

Minimum number of Ferry Passes required: 51

Make An Example Of Him[]

Mastery Levels Payout This job requires...
Gold Mastery 5%
Icon experience 16x16 137 (2.28 (1.09) [0.96])
60 (126) [143] Energy Item ferrypass 01 x4 (x5) (x6)

Minimum number of Ferry Passes required: 80

Flaunt Your New Power[]

Mastery Levels Payout This job requires...
Gold Mastery 4%
Icon experience 16x16 154 (2.33 (1.12) [0.97])
66 (137) [159] Energy Item ferrypass 01 x5 (x6) (x7)

Minimum number of Ferry Passes required: 125

