Mafia Wars Wiki

Public Enemies
Public enemies featured job promo
Available from December 6, 2009
Available until December 9, 2009
Type Limited Time Job

Public enemies loot drop event promo
  • This event started on December 6, 2009 12:01 am PT and ends on December 9, 2009 11:59 pm PT.
  • This event celebrates the release of the Public Enemies movie.
  • This event brings seven new Public Enemies themed loot items and reissues one older loot item.
  • You can only obtain a total of 32 items from this event.
  • The Public Enemies Crime Spree Limited Time Job connected to this event, and the limited Godfather items Stolen Police Car and Dillinger's Overcoat are related to this event as well.
  • The limited edition loot Modified Tommy Gun also was speculated to be related to this event.

Experience the thrills and excitement of Public Enemies, starring Johnny Depp, by doing the featured job. Collect items and view clips from the movie. Master all 4 stages and receive a bonus Dillinger item. The featured job is available 12/9 12:01AM (PST) through 12/13 at 11:59PM (PST). Own it on Blu-ray™, DVD & Digital Download.


Name Attack Attack Defense Defense
Agent Purvis' Rifle
Item agentpurvisrifle 01
44 29
Dillinger's Pistols and Holster
Item dillingerspistolsandholster 01
36 18
Dillinger's Wooden Gun
Item dillingers wooden gun 75x75 01
12 45


Name Attack Attack Defense Defense
Fur Coat
Item furcoat 01
12 28
Locket of Billie
Item locketofbillie 01
10 36
Prison Stripes
Item prisonstripes 01
15 24
Public Enemy #1 Newspaper
Item newspaper 01
6 30


Name Attack Attack Defense Defense
Item v8 01
13 26

Public Enemies Crime Spree

Public enemies job stage1 Pestep1

Mastery Levels Payout This job requires...
Gold Mastery 15%
Icon experience 16x16 Up to 120 
Chance to loot Thumb Item prisonstripes 01x10
Up to 60 Energy
Gold Mastery 15%
Icon experience 16x16 Up to 120 
Chance to loot Thumb Item dillingerspistolsandholster 01x10
Up to 60 Energy
Gold Mastery 15%
Icon experience 16x16 Up to 120 
Chance to loot Thumb Item agentpurvisrifle 01x10
Up to 60 Energy
Gold Mastery 15%
Icon experience 16x16 Up to 120 
Chance to loot Thumb Item locketofbillie 01x10
Mastery Loot: Thumb Item dillingerssunglasses 01x10
Up to 60 Energy

Name Attack Attack Defense Defense Date Released
Pair of Dillinger's Sunglasses

Item dillingerssunglasses 01

23 34 December 9, 2009 - December 13, 2009


The event was announced on the Mafia Wars Fanpage at Facebook with the following announcement.

"Join us in celebrating the upcoming release of the Public Enemies movie by taking part in our Public Enemies Loot Event! Starting this Sunday at 12:01am PT going through Wednesday, December 9 at 11:59pm PT, all jobs and fights will have a chance to give you special Public Enemies-themed loot items. Check out the items here!"

Story - Stages

Zynga is really good at cooking out story, there is a different job description and storyline for each stage. Each time you complete the job, you can watch a scene from the movie. Check out the screenshots below:

Step 1 - Bust Out of the Joint - Complete

Step 2 - Hold Up a Bank - Complete

Step 3 - Escape to the Safe House - Complete

Step 4 - Rendezvous with Billie - Complete

Public Enemies Crime Spree Mastered

News Feed Images

Public enemies feed Agent Purvis riflePublic enemies feed Dillinger's Pistols and HolsterPublic enemies feed Dillingers wooden gunPublic enemies feed Fur coatPublic enemies feed Locket of BilliePublic enemies feed NewspaperPublic enemies feed Prison stripesPublic enemies feed V8



Step 1 - Purvis Confronts Dillinger

Step 2 - Dillinger Watches Newsreel

Step 3 - Little Bohemia

Step 4 - Dillinger And Billie At Race track


  • March 3, 1934, Crown Point, Indiana: Dillinger escapes from Lake County Jail using a gun reportedly carved from a wooden washboard and painted black with shoe polish.
  • Dillinger was known to give money back to citizens during his bank robberies, and to never curse in front of female hostages.
  • April 22, 1934, Manitowish Waters, Wisconsin: The Dillinger Gang escapes from the Little Bohemia Lodge under a hail of FBI gunfire.
  • Billie Frechette was a loyal companion to John Dillinger until her arrest in March 1934, and subsequent trial, conviction and sentencing for harboring a federal fugitive.
  • Dillinger liked disguises and even had plastic surgery, priding himself on going out in public undetected.