Mafia Wars Wiki

12-8-2010 10-15-41 PM Note: Operations have alternatively been called Secret Missions, Missions, and Social Missions.

  • You must be Level 50 to be able to start or help in Operations.
  • Operations are discovered by doing Jobs and will show up approximately once per day.
  • In order to complete an Operation you must ask for help via wall post (once every 30 minutes) or by selecting specific mafia and sending invites. You may also complete 1 slot yourself and/or buy a slot to complete it (5 Icon-gf-coin for Easy Operations, 7 Icon-gf-coin for Medium Operations, 8 Icon-gf-coin for Hard Operations).
  • Operation help can be given by anyone, you do not need to be social network friends or in each others mafia. Note that the operation leader will lose the ability to remove members if they take a spot themselves.
  • You may remove a mafia member from a specific slot, however all progress for that slot will be lost.
  • On completion 4 randomly selected rewards are given to the operation owner and 3 to helpers. With a daily limit of 10 rare items from any operation. There is also a small chance of getting a Bonus Payment and sending one to your mafia.


Generation 1

Social mission job art thumbnail 1
Truck Hijacking
Bribe A Contact
Bribe a Contact
Social mission job art thumbnail 2
Bank Robbery
Nyc d3 5 FendOffAnAssault 200x113
Fight Off a Rival Mafia
Secretmissions medium bribeagovernmentofficial
Bribe A Government Official
Social mission job art thumbnail 3
Steal a Dockyard Shipment
Take Out A Rival Operation (v1)
Transport Stolen Uranium
Transport Stolen Uranium

Generation 2

Narco Trafficking
Hijack An Ocean Liner Pic
Hijack An Ocean Liner
Evade the US Coast Guard
Evade The Coast Guard
Take Out A Rival Operation (v2)

Generation 3 (Current)

KidnapTheGovernorsDaughter 200x120
Kidnap the Governor's Daughter
Assassinate The Witness
FrameARivalDon 200x120
Frame A Rival Don
TakeOveranAirportControlTower 200x120
Take Over Airport Control
Fix The Triple Crown
Steal Government Research


The following rewards are for permanent operations only, event rewards will not be listed here.

Item Attack
Icon attack 16x16
Icon defense 16x16
Mw tournament icon atk def
Item bisect 01 Bisect 40 72 112 Assassinate The Witness
Kidnap the Governor's Daughter
Item car bomb 75x75 01 Canister Bomb 18 16 34 Fight Off a Rival Mafia
Item crabclawcutter 01 Crab Claw Cutter 81 37 118 Take Out A Rival Operation
Item deadlyboomslangacr Deadly Boomslang ACR 45 20 65 Bribe a Contact
Item deadlym32grenadelauncher Deadly M32 Grenade Launcher 44 20 64 Bribe a Contact
Truck Hijacking
Narco Trafficking
Item deathdealerminigun 01 Death Dealer Minigun 48 64 112 Evade The Coast Guard
Steal a Dockyard Shipment
Item demolitionkit 01 Demolition Kit 53 38 91 Bank Robbery
Bribe A Government Official
Hijack An Ocean Liner
Item flamebroiled 01 Flame Broiler 56 33 89 Steal a Dockyard Shipment
Evade The Coast Guard
Fight Off a Rival Mafia
Item halfrack 01 Half Rack 97 60 157 Take Over Airport Control
Frame A Rival Don
Item hammer760ek 01 Hammer 760-EK 53 21 74 Bribe A Government Official
Take Out A Rival Operation
Item infighter 01 Infighter 71 44 115 Bribe A Government Official
Evade The Coast Guard
Item FlintKicker 01 Injury Time 38 52 90 Take Out A Rival Operation
Transport Stolen Uranium
Item cupidstommygun 01 Lonely Heart 48 20 68 Hijack An Ocean Liner
Bribe A Government Official
Bribe a Contact
Item mustardgas 01 Mustard Gas 43 17 60 Bribe a Contact
Narco Trafficking
Truck Hijacking
Item nailbatter 01 Nail Biter 35 58 93 Fight Off a Rival Mafia
Narco Trafficking
Item ostricheggbomb 01 Ostrich Egg Bomb 82 41 123 Take Out A Rival Operation
Item setofthrowingspikes 01 Set of Throwing Spikes 45 66 111 Fix The Triple Crown
Steal Government Research
Assassinate The Witness
Kidnap the Governor's Daughter
Take Over Airport Control
Frame A Rival Don
Item twinak47s 01 Set of Twin AK-47s 52 26 78 Bank Robbery
Bribe A Government Official
Hijack An Ocean Liner
Transport Stolen Uranium
Item twinautorifles 01 Set of Twin Automatic Rifles 51 27 78 Bank Robbery
Bribe A Government Official
Hijack An Ocean Liner
Item twingarza9s 01 Set of Twin Garza 9s 53 24 77 Fight Off a Rival Mafia
Narco Trafficking
Item shapedcharge 01 Shaped Charge 51 25 76 Bank Robbery
Fight Off a Rival Mafia
Hijack An Ocean Liner
Item sleepershot 01 Sleeper Shot 43 73 116 Steal a Dockyard Shipment
Evade The Coast Guard
Item thesneakattack 01 Sneak Attack 43 22 65 Bribe a Contact
Narco Trafficking
Truck Hijacking
Item spearstorm 01 Spear Storm 76 34 110 Take Over Airport Control
Frame A Rival Don
Fix The Triple Crown
Steal Government Research
Item UbijcaAssaultRifle B75GIF Ubijca Assault Rifle 43 18 61 Narco Trafficking
Truck Hijacking
Item vindicator 01 Vindicator 49 25 74 Truck Hijacking
Narco Trafficking
Item wagnerkp8 01 Wagner KP8 51 26 77 Bank Robbery
Fight Off a Rival Mafia
Hijack An Ocean Liner
Item z17micro 01 Z17 Micro 69 45 114 Transport Stolen Uranium
Take Out A Rival Operation
Item z4nightprowler 01 Z4 Night Prowler 57 35 92 Evade The Coast Guard
Steal a Dockyard Shipment

Item Attack
Icon attack 16x16
Icon defense 16x16
Mw tournament icon atk def
Item armeddoorman 01 Armed Doorman 51 24 75 Evade The Coast Guard
Steal a Dockyard Shipment
Item badhabit 01 Bad Habit 46 78 124 Fix The Triple Crown
Steal Government Research
Item blackmaillight 01 Blackmail Light 40 76 116 Hijack An Ocean Liner
Item bulletproofheart 01 Bullet Proof Heart 42 67 109 Fix The Triple Crown
Steal Government Research
Item camoriotgear 01 Camo Riot Gear 56 26 82 Fight Off a Rival Mafia
Narco Trafficking
Item deadlyviraljetpack Deadly Jetpack Prototype 46 15 61 Bribe a Contact
Hijack An Ocean Liner
Bribe A Government Official
Item defttouch 01 Deft Touch 73 44 117 Narco Trafficking
Item duneriderjacket 01 Dune Rider Jacket 76 29 105 Assassinate The Witness
Kidnap the Governor's Daughter
Take Over Airport Control
Frame A Rival Don
Item fieldvest 01 Field Vest 42 70 112 Bribe A Government Official
Evade The Coast Guard
Inv flexguard 01 Flex Guard 42 42 84 Take Out A Rival Operation
Transport Stolen Uranium
Item fullplatearmor 01 Full Plate Armor 69 37 106 Fix The Triple Crown
Steal Government Research
Item gripgloves 01 Grip Gloves 41 66 107 Bribe a Contact
Item hornetgoggles 01 Hornet Goggles 25 47 72 Assassinate The Witness
Kidnap the Governor's Daughter
Take Over Airport Control
Frame A Rival Don
Item infiltrationgear 01 Infiltration Gear 72 40 112 Steal a Dockyard Shipment
Evade The Coast Guard
Item meshalloy Mesh Alloy 23 47 70 Take Out A Rival Operation
Transport Stolen Uranium
Item monofin 01 Monofin 100 60 160 Fix The Triple Crown
Steal Government Research
Item ninja 01 Ninja 47 35 82 Bribe A Government Official
Take Out A Rival Operation
Transport Stolen Uranium
Item bangkok OpticalCamoSuit b Optical Camo Suit 43 26 69 Bribe a Contact
Transport Stolen Uranium
Item pairofskywalkers 01 Pair of Skywalkers 28 61 89 Assassinate The Witness
Kidnap the Governor's Daughter
Take Over Airport Control
Frame A Rival Don
Item rogueciaagent 01 Rogue CIA Agent 69 30 99 Evade The Coast Guard
Steal a Dockyard Shipment
Item suitofsuits 01 Suit of Suits 46 24 70 Bribe a Contact
Item swamparmor 01 Swamp Camo 43 27 70 Transport Stolen Uranium
Take Out A Rival Operation
Item syntheticsteel 02 Synthetic Steel 18 52 70 Bribe a Contact
Item thugsbunny 01 Thugs Bunny 50 28 78 Take Out A Rival Operation
Transport Stolen Uranium
Item trajedebalas 75x75 01 Traje de Balas 10 39 49 Bribe a Contact
Item warkilt 01 War Kilt 46 74 120 Narco Trafficking
Item WaterproofPoncho 01 Waterproof Poncho 22 47 69 Bribe a Contact
Item windguardhelmet 01 Windguard Helmet 27 48 75 Truck Hijacking
Narco Trafficking

Item Attack
Icon attack 16x16
Icon defense 16x16
Mw tournament icon atk def
Item alpine 01 Alpine 35 57 92 Hijack An Ocean Liner
Item bambaiyyarajah 01 Bambaiyya Rajah 60 55 115 Assassinate The Witness
Kidnap the Governor's Daughter
Colosseum chariot 75x75 Chariot 48 12 60 Bribe A Government Official
Take Out A Rival Operation
Inv cmhatchback 01 CM Hatchback 41 41 82 Take Out A Rival Operation
Transport Stolen Uranium
Item deadlyporschegold Deadly Gold GX9 46 30 76 Take Out A Rival Operation
Transport Stolen Uranium
Item dolphinsubmarine 01 Dolphin Submarine 55 98 153 Fix The Triple Crown
Steal Government Research
Item fugamakameo 01 Fugama Kameo 46 19 65 Assassinate The Witness
Kidnap the Governor's Daughter
Item gravyboat 01 Gravy Boat 40 24 64 Narco Trafficking
Truck Hijacking
Item grimreaper 01 Grim Reaper 67 51 118 Transport Stolen Uranium
Take Out A Rival Operation
Item huey 01 Huey 47 20 67 Bribe a Contact
Transport Stolen Uranium
Item jackalope 01 Jackalope 77 42 119 Hijack An Ocean Liner
Item lamangmotorcycle 01 Lamang Motorcycle 49 34 83 Bribe A Government Official
Evade The Coast Guard
Item mach4 01 Mach-4 66 48 114 Take Over Airport Control
Frame A Rival Don
Fix The Triple Crown
Steal Government Research
Item magmamagnifique 01 Magma Magnifique 31 63 94 Take Over Airport Control
Frame A Rival Don
Item martiancanalboat 01 Martian Canal Boat 48 71 119 Take Over Airport Control
Frame A Rival Don
Item montereymanta 01 Monterey Manta 58 34 92 Bank Robbery
Hijack An Ocean Liner
Item scythechariot 01 Scythe Chariot 80 80 160 Fix The Triple Crown
Steal Government Research
Item sc elreyroadster 01 Supercharged El Rey Roadster 46 32 78 Transport Stolen Uranium
Narco Trafficking
Truck Hijacking
Item sc fugamahasu 01 Supercharged Fugama Hasu 51 27 78 Bank Robbery
Fight Off a Rival Mafia
Hijack An Ocean Liner
Item sc stockcar 01 Supercharged Stock Car 45 24 69 Bribe a Contact
Item triosoprano 01 Trio Soprano 53 26 79 Fight Off a Rival Mafia
Narco Trafficking
Item urbannightfighter 01 Urban Night Fighter 55 39 94 Bank Robbery
Fight Off a Rival Mafia
Hijack An Ocean Liner
Item warpspeed 01 Warp Speed 97 52 149 Assassinate The Witness
Kidnap the Governor's Daughter

Event Operations

Halloween 2010

Crash the Mayor's Halloween Party

Thanksgiving 2010

Missionart holidaytraffic
Holiday Traffic
Missionart stuffthebird
Stuff the Bird

Christmas 2010

Secret Santa
Socialmissionart itsrainingdeer thumb
Secure Rudolph
Steal The Ball

The Italian Files

Operation wastenotwantmore 3
Waste Not Want More
Operation seeyouatthefinishline 3
See You At The Finish Line
Operation thisshiphassailed 3
This Ship Has Sailed
Operation smugglerontheroof 3
Smuggler On The Roof
Operation apathnotsorighteous 3
A Path Not So Righteous

En Route Moscow

Operation theayeshaveit 3
The Ayes Have It
Operation thebankisnowinplay 3
The Bank Is Now In Play
Operation bitethebomb 3
Bite The Bomb
Operation holdvoryclose 3
Hold Vory Close
Operation nationalist disintegration 3
Nationalist Disintegration

Bangkok Business

Operation the royalflush 3
The Royal Flush
Operation sayonarablues 3
Sayonara Blues
Operation the parliament burns 3
The Parliament Burns
Operation bottlesofchips 3
Bottles Of Chips
Operation artas auch 3
Art As Such

The Manhattan Affair

Operation RichiesToRags 3
Richie's To Rags
Operation InElectionsWeTrust 3
In Elections We Trust
Operation AbysmalWinners 3
Abysmal Winners
Operation NoMoneyNoHoney 3
No Money, No Honey
Operation NashvilleStomp 3
Nash-Ville Stomp

Sicilian Vendetta

Operation VineyardVanguards 3
Vineyard Vanguards
Operation FasterThanLight 3
Faster Than Light
Operation RomaUrbsEterna 3
Roma Urbs Eterna
Operation PenultimateAct 3
Penultimate Act

Road To Vegas

Operation bust a gut 3
Bust A Gut
Operation hit and run 3
Hit And Run
Operation frisson of surprise 3
Frisson Of Surprise
Operation fortuitous roulette 3
Fortuitous Roulette
Operation on a roll 3
On A Roll

Made In Manhattan

Operation bite the bullet 3
Bite The Bullet
Operation the shakedown 3
The Shakedown
Operation loyal renegade 3
Loyal Renegade
Operation turncoat narc 3
Turncoat Narc
Operation state of mind 3
State Of Mind

Bangkok Beat

Operation negotialble affairs 3
Negotiable Affairs
Operation road less taken 3
Road Less Taken
Operation a new era 3
A New Era
Operation merchandise of interest 3
Merchandise Of Interest
Operation armed and dangerous 3
Armed And Dangerous

Moscow Menace

Operation a hidden agenda 3
A Hidden Agenda
Operation flesh and blood 3
Flesh And Blood
Operation down the hatch 3
Down The Hatch
Operation a call to arms 3
A Call To Arms
Operation military precision 3
Military Precision

Vegas Wager

Operation deafening silence 3
Deafening Silence
Operation hyped up deal 3
Hyped Up Deal
Operation dirty little secret 3
Dirty Little Secret
Operation easy money 3
Easy Money
Operation sweet revenge 3
Sweet Revenge

No Place Like Rome

Operation art attack 3
Art Attack
Operation a friend in need 3
A Friend In Need
Operation turin takedown 3
Turin Takedown
Operation et tu don 3
Et Tu, Don
Operation politically connect 3
Politically Connect


Operations Collection

  • Obtained: Operations
  • Vault Bonus: Item yourcrew 01 Hit Squad +10 Icon attack 16x16 +10 Icon defense 16x16 +20 Health
Blasting Caps Wishlist Code Breaker Wishlist Earbud Shades Wishlist Fake Identity Wishlist Mook Jong Wishlist Sniper Scope Wishlist Stick Shift Grip Wishlist
Blasting Caps Code Breaker Earbud Shades Fake Identity Mook Jong Sniper Scope Stick Shift Grip


Icon Description
Mw achievement vegassocialevent callinafavor
Team Player
Earned October 20, 2010
Earned by successfully helping out on 20 operations
Mw achievement vegassocialevent hijackthetruck
Best Friends Forever
Earned October 20, 2010
Earned by successfully helping out on 100 operations
Mw achievement vegassocialevent jackofalltrades
Mission Accomplished
Earned October 20, 2010
Earned by successfully completing 20 operations
Mw achievement vegassocialevent niceofyoutojoinus
Earned October 20, 2010
Earned by successfully completing 100 operations
Mw achievement vegassocialevent playyourpart
Personal Champion
Earned October 20, 2010
Earned by successfully helping out on 20 hard operations
Mw achievement vegassocialevent whatstherush
Natural Born Leader
Earned October 20, 2010
Earned by successfully completing 20 hard operations


Q: How do Operations trigger?

A: These can randomly trigger while doing regular jobs.

Q: How do Operations work?

A: There are two roles - Initiator and Helper.
  • Once an Operation triggers, as an Initiator, you can post a feed requesting help, or send specific requests for help from your Mafia. Only your Mafia can help.
  • There are various Helper positions that need to be filled, and each may have different requirements that are geared for different types of players.
  • An Operation timer will start. Your Operation must be finished within this time to collect its reward.
  • In order to complete your Operation, each of the Helpers must complete their assigned job.
  • Helpers will receive a combination of experience points, cash, or Loyalty points for completing a job.
  • Note: Loyalty Points will not be rewarded at this time in Operations.
  • If you have a slower than desired Helper, you can remove them to have another Mafia member fill that slot.
  • Once all jobs are complete, the Initiator has to 'finish' the Operation for it to be a success.
  • Initiators will receive a combination of experience points, cash, or special loot for a successful Operation.
  • Helpers will receive a combination of loot, consumables, or loyalty points for a successful Operation.
  • These rewards must be collected promptly, or they will expire.

Q: How many Operations can I initiate?

A: Up to 10

Q: How many Operations can I help in?

A: Up to 10

Q: Can I help an Initiator on more than one of his/her Operations?

A: Yes

Q: What happens if the timer expires before the Operation is complete?

A: Nobody gets the reward for an incomplete Operation. Everybody has to do their required role. All Helpers must complete their jobs. The Initiator may restart the Operation.


Note: Some images curtsey of Loot Lady & Wars Operations
