Mafia Wars Wiki
Marketplace title

The Marketplace was added to the game on February 25, 2010 as a replacement for the Godfather. You must reach level 15 before you can access the Marketplace.


GRAND OPENING - Marketplace is now open for business! A fresh buying experience. International payments, hourly sale items, surprise daily specials, and much more.

Rewardscard Rewards Card

Marketplace Rewards Card Ever get a free cup of joe after your 10th purchase at your neighborhood coffee shop? We're pleased to announce the introduction of a similar rewards program in Mafia Wars - because everyone likes a deal, even mobsters. Complete a Mafia Wars Marketplace Rewards Card to receive 15 Skill Points FREE! Here's how to earn card punches:

Icon-gf-coin 215 - 1 Card Punch
Icon-gf-coin 440 - 2 Card Punches
Icon-gf-coin 700 - 3 Card Punches
Icon-gf-coin 1,000 - 4 Card Punches

To get you started, if you've made a purchase within the last 2 weeks, your Marketplace Rewards Card will already include 1 punch! Purchasing RPs just got a bit more rewarding, so get some now!

Mafia Wars Blog


MarketplaceTab-AllItems All Items

MP All Items List

MarketplaceTab-VIPMembership VIP Membership

VIP Membership was introduced on April 5, 2012 and is available from within the Marketplace. VIP Membership costs $24.97 and is a recurring monthly subscription unless you cancel it. Payment is made by either credit card or Paypal.

Membership benefits are as follows:
Weekly delivery of 50 Reward Points and exclusive limited edition loot.
At least one skill point re-allocation can be purchased anytime, everyday.

Extra VIP loot drops from doing jobs, fighting and robbing.

VIP Membership FAQ

VIP Membership benefits work on a tiered system offering increasing value for money depending on the duration of uninterrupted membership. If you cancel your membership and then sign up again later you will restart from the lowest tier again.

See also: VIP Membership, VIP Loot

MarketplaceTab-DanielasDeal Daniela's Deal

Put your money where your mouth is and you've got a deal.

Deposit your Reward Points with Daniela and earn great returns every week. Ask her no questions, she'll tell you no lies, and you'll double the money deposited by the end of the deal!


Daniela's Deal offers you the oppertunity to make a long term investment. Make a one-time initial investment of Icon-gf-coin 260 (taken instantly) and collect Icon-gf-coin 10 every week for 52 weeks doubling your investment.

Collection is available each Saturday, all day. But don't forget or you will miss out. Each time you collect you are also given an exclusive offer to purchase the newest Limited Edition Loot items from the Marketplace at a discounted rate.

MarketplaceTab-EarnRewardPoints Earn Reward Points

Here you can earn Icon-gf-coin Reward Points by completing offers. Remember these can cost real cash.

MarketplaceTab-PawnShop Pawn Shop

The Pawn Shop is run by Trader Goh. He offers you to trade your old loot for new items. Depending on which item you want you have to trade Common, Uncommon, Rare or Superior items. There is also a Icon-gf-coin Reward Points cost for each item. For a list of items check Trader Goh's Pawn Shop.

MarketplaceTab-StatItems Stat Items

Item Icon-gf-coin Base Price
Buy energy 75x75 01 Energy Refill Icon-gf-coin 10
Buy stamina 75x75 Stamina Refill Icon-gf-coin 10
Buy health 75x75 02 Health Refill Icon-gf-coin 2
Buy newname 75x75 01 New Name Icon-gf-coin 15
Mw icon change-class 90x90 Class Change Icon-gf-coin 15
Huge buy hiredguns 75x75 01 Extra Mafia Member Icon-gf-coin 1
Huge buy cash 75x75 01 City Cash
(Varying amounts per city)
Icon-gf-coin 10
Huge buy upgrades 75x75 01 +4 Skill Points Icon-gf-coin 14
Huge buy upgrades 75x75 01 +8 Skill Points Icon-gf-coin 28
Huge buy upgrades 75x75 01 +25 Skill Points Icon-gf-coin 80
Huge buy upgrades 75x75 01 +50 Skill Points Icon-gf-coin 150
Huge buy upgrades 75x75 01 +100 Skill Points Icon-gf-coin 290
Buy reallocate 01 Reallocate 10 Points
(Available on occasions)
Icon-gf-coin 10
Buy reallocate 01 Reallocate 50 Points
(Available on occasions)
Icon-gf-coin 50

MarketplaceTab-LimitedEditionLoot Limited Edition Loot

Recommended for you

This section contains various equipment items available as the base price of Icon-gf-coin 35. New items are added regularly (multiple items per week).

For a list of items released into the Marketplace see the Category:Marketplace page.

See also: Weapons, Armor, Vehicles, Animals, Henchmen

MarketplaceTab-Boosts Boosts

Boosts offer one-time-use or temporary benefits in game play and are sold in packs of 10. Various boosts are available in other areas of the game and as part of limited time special events. The following is a list of boosts that are permanently available from the Marketplace.

See also: Category:Boosts
Item Effects Icon-gf-coin Price
Huge boost injunction 75x75 02
Icon defense 16x16+25 fight defense skill Icon-gf-coin8
Boost corpmuscle 75x75 01
Corporate Muscle
Icon attack 16x16+35 attack skill Icon-gf-coin8
Boost shaveandhaircut 75x75 01
Shave & A Haircut
Icon defense 16x16+30 fight defense skill Icon-gf-coin8
Boost sandbagwall 75x75 01
Sandbag Wall
Icon defense 16x16+35 fight defense skill Icon-gf-coin8
Boost blowfishdart 75x75 01
Blowfish Dart
Icon attack 16x16+40 attack skill Icon-gf-coin8
Boost temporary tattoo 75x75 01
Temporary Tattoo
Icon defense 16x16+42 fight defense skill Icon-gf-coin8
Boost handyman 75x75 01
Handy Man
Icon attack 16x16+38 attack skill Icon-gf-coin8
Boost throwingknife 75x75 01
Throwing Knives
Icon attack 16x16+65 attack skill Icon-gf-coin10
Boost liquid courage 75x75 01
Liquid Courage
Icon attack 16x16+44 attack skill Icon-gf-coin8
Boost berlin wall 75x75 01
Berlin Wall Section
Icon defense 16x16+46 fight defense skill Icon-gf-coin8
Boost bola 01
Icon attack 16x16+45 attack skill Icon-gf-coin8
Boost explodingcar 01
Car Bomb
Icon attack 16x16+50 attack skill Icon-gf-coin8
Boost flashbang 02
Flash Bang
Icon defense 16x16+40 fight defense skill Icon-gf-coin8
Boost smokegrenade 01
Smoke Grenade
Icon defense 16x16+45 fight defense skill Icon-gf-coin8
Boost warpaint 75x75 01
War Paint
Icon attack 16x16+32 attack skill Icon-gf-coin8
Boost pepperspray 75x75 01
Pepper Spray
Icon defense 16x16+36 fight defense skill Icon-gf-coin8
Boost blackmarketammo 75x75 01
Black Market Ammo
Icon attack 16x16+32 attack skill Icon-gf-coin8
Boost hyperalertsentry 75x75 01
Hyper Alert Sentry
Icon defense 16x16+32 fight defense skill Icon-gf-coin8
Boost absinthe 01
Icon attack 16x16+25% attack skill Icon-gf-coin10
Boost jukebox 01
Icon defense 16x16+25% defense skill Icon-gf-coin10
Item vampirebatting 01
Vampire Batting
Regain health equal to +100% of the damage that you deal Icon-gf-coin12
Item ruthless 01
+100% more damage with each attack Icon-gf-coin12
Item decoy 01
Never fail to collect cash from fights and +200% more experience points Icon-gf-coin12

MarketplaceTab-Crates Crates

Crates are boxes available that offer you a random item (or items). The potential items for each crate are known but you can not choose which item is granted. New crates are introduced regularly each with its own unique set of items not available elsewhere in the game.

Crates are available at a cost of Icon-gf-coin 12 for a single crate or Icon-gf-coin 35 for three crates. The quality of the items in a crate varies and the chances of getting an item of certain qualities follows the basic rules below.

60% chance for Common items
30% chance for Uncommon items
10% chance for Rare items

For a full list of previously and currently available crates see the Crates page.

MarketplaceTab-PlayingCards Playing Cards

Improve your stats with collectable cards! Each card gives you stat points. There are multiple sets of collectable cards available. Complete each collection to gain access to powerful loot drop items.

Collectable Stat Cards are available through the Marketplace or from the Collections page at a cost of Icon-gf-coin 15 for a single card and Icon-gf-coin 42 for three cards.

Each set of cards contains 5 series (or hands) and a Reward series. As you complete a single series (or hand) you are presented with a reward card that opens up the chance to loot an exclusive equipment item is a specified City/District. Complete all 5 series (and therefor the whole set) to automatically complete the Reward series and be granted a mastery item.

See also: Collectable Stat Cards.

MarketplaceTab-SpecialLoot Special Loot

The Special Loot section of the Marketplace contains a list of various Consumable items available and used throughout the game. The item costs vary but generally follow the pattern of Icon-gf-coin 1 each for job consumables that can also be crafted for free, 2 for Icon-gf-coin 1 for job consumables that can not be crafted, and 10 for Icon-gf-coin 10 for boss fight consumables.

See also: Category:Consumables

MarketplaceTab-FightClub Fight Club

Items here can be purchased using Fight-Explain victory-token Victory Coins earned from fighting and robbing. Various items and boosts become available as you increase your fight mastery level and earn the four related Achievements. The maximum fight mastery level required to open up all items is 21 but your mastery level can continue far beyond this.

See also: Fight Club, Fight Mastery, Achievements#Fight Achievements

Group Sales

Group Sales prove there's (more) strength in numbers. Here's how they work: An item is made available in the marketplace with a starting price and starting stats (100/56 in the case of our first Group Sale item, the Onyx 50). Then, as more of the item are sold, its stats are upgraded. When the stats improve, the price increases too, but only for any new purchases of the item. Pre-upgrade purchases get the better stats for free! The level of stats everyone ends up receiving depends on the sales tier achieved by the end of the Group Sale (note the timer in the image, which is counting down to an end time of 2am PDT on 8/26 for the Onyx 50).

Mafia Wars Blog

See also: Group Sales, Category:Group Sale

Features No Longer Available

MarketplaceTab-LoyaltyProgram Loyalty Program

The Loyalty Program is an installment where you can earn items by clicking news feed, accepting gifts,... There are 4 Loyalty settings. You start out as Emerald, then Gold, then Platinum and finally Diamond. You earn Loyalty CoinLoyalty Points to buy items. Items increase in attack, defense and price in each tier.

See also: Loyalty Program

MarketplaceTab-DailyChance Daily Chance

Every week there is a Mafia Wars Lottery called the Daily Chance. You get a free ticket every 24 hours or you can get them free from Mystery Bags or The Daily Take. You can also buy then at a cost of Icon-gf-coin 2 each.

To submit a ticket in the lottery you much choose 5 numbers (or use the random number generator). With every ticket submitted you earn 1 ticket progress mark (max of 6) which can be redeemed for increasingly better bonuses. You may submit a maximum of 50 tickets per week.

At the end of each week the lottery numbers are calculated and prizes awarded based on how many numbers you got correct from any single ticket.

There is also a collection associated with the daily chance feature.

See also: Daily Chance, Daily Chance Collection