Mafia Wars Wiki

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Closed Locations

Italy header 01

Italy promo coming soon small 01

Italy is the eighth playable city in Mafia Wars.

  • Zynga made Lira the official currency of Italy because it would allow them to possibly expand to other Euro-zone countries in their pre-Euro currencies.
  • Italy 'Regions' are like Las Vegas 'Districts'. 5 Regions will be released soon.
  • 6 new initial properties: Port, Villa, Winery, Fishery, Auto Boutique and Football Stadium.
  • You will no long need to master all paths to finish a tier. Beating a boss will automatically advance you to a fully unmastered map on the next tier.
  • Port is a crafting building (such as Chop Shop). It requires Icon cash italy 16x16 02 lira to craft the items available in the Port.
  • Italy does not have a buildable vault like Vegas. However there will be a laundering fee (10%/7% if the Money Laundering collection has been vaulted) again for the bank.
Italy newdistrict promos 380x200
  • Like Las Vegas, job consumables, property parts, collection items and loot drops will occur at random and at varying rarities. Job consumables will drop from specific jobs. Specific loot drops will only drop in specific regions.
  • Regions 6, 7 and 8 along with the Nightclub were released to everybody by January 26th, 2011.

Italy was closed on March 7, 2012


My Village[]

Required Items[]

Building Parts are common to all properties

Special loot items dropped from a job in the corresponding Region



All loot items drop randomly in their respective regions. For a more specific page detailing where these loot items are from, see Loot:Italy


Icon Name Attack
Mw tournament icon atk def
Looted From
(Any Job in respective District)
Item romapoliceweapon 01 Arma Di Ordinanza 21 32 53 Roma
Item vachellicp 01 Vachelli CP 42 18 60 Roma
Item fucilelungo 01 Doppietta 39 30 69 Palermo
Item rapier 01 Rapier 41 35 76 Venezia
Item venetianblinder 01 Venetian Blinder 30 52 82 Venezia
Item diavolopiccolosmg 01 Diavolo Piccolo SMG 56 28 84 Milano
Item milanofoil 01 Milano Foil 31 50 81 Milano
Item pugno 01 Tirapugni 38 51 89 Napoli
Item arrivederci20 01 Arrivederci 20 55 41 96 Calabria
Item angelodellamorte 01 Angelo Della Morte 35 56 91 Calabria
Item templarhammer 01 Templar Hammer 42 61 103 Città del Vaticano
Item holyhandgrenade 01 Holy Hand Grenade 71 57 128 Città del Vaticano
Item romanlegion 01 Roman Legion 74 58 132 The Eternal City
Item spaghettiwestern 01 Spaghetti Western 39 65 104 The Eternal City


Icon Name Atatck
Mw tournament icon atk def
Looted From
(Any Job in respective District)
Item scutum 01 Scutum 21 38 59 Roma
Item italianwwihelmet 01 Elmo Della Grande Guerra 19 39 58 Palermo
Item neoprenevest 01 Neoprene Vest 46 28 74 Venezia
Item maglietta 01 Maglietta 33 45 78 Milano
Item corpoarmatura 01 Corpo Armatura 63 31 94 Napoli
Item templershield 01 Templar Shield 62 42 104 Città del Vaticano
Item armaturaramarro 01 Armatura Ramarro 65 45 110 The Eternal City
Item armaturamotocicletta 01 Armatura Motocicletta 40 66 106 The Eternal City


Icon Name Atatck
Mw tournament icon atk def
Looted From
(Any Job in respective District)
Item tradire 01 Tradire 32 28 60 Roma & Venezia
Item cavalletta 01 Cavalletta 43 26 69 Palermo
Item watertaxi 01 Water Taxi 19 42 61 Venezia
Item luxurysailboat 01 Luxury Sailboat 27 51 78 Venezia & Milano
Item avantitutta 01 Avanti Tutta 44 56 100 Milano & Napoli
Item fenzituorno 01 Fenzi Tuorno 52 25 77 Napoli
Item rexenterra 01 Rex Enterra 43 54 97 Calabria
Item giovevelocita 01 Giove Velocita 65 52 117 Calabria & Città del Vaticano
Item asconini33 01 Asconini 33 38 61 99 Calabria
Item pontiff1 01 Pontiff-1 66 49 115 Città del Vaticano
Item popemobile 01 Popemobile 30 62 92 Città del Vaticano
Item marcomarinoaf 01 Marco Marino AF 68 47 115 The Eternal City


Icon Name Atatck
Mw tournament icon atk def
Looted From
(Any Job in respective District)
Item asino 01 Asino 27 38 65 Roma
Item italianwolf 01 Italian Wolf 43 33 76 Roma & Palermo
Item gallo 01 Gallo 20 37 57 Palermo
Item goshawk 01 Goshawk 47 15 62 Palermo & Napoli
Item manofwarjellyfish 01 Man-of-War 12 43 55 Venezia
Item eagleowl 01 Eagle Owl 32 46 78 Milano
Item marsicanbrownbear 01 Marsican Brown Bear 48 27 75 Milano
Item cinghiale 01 Cinghiale 45 50 95 Napoli
Item meadowviper 01 Meadow Viper 62 37 99 Napoli & Calabria
Item italianporcupine 01 Italian Porcupine 56 66 122 Calabria
Item seaeagle 01 Sea Eagle 74 55 129 The Eternal City


Icon Name Attack
Mw tournament icon atk def
Looted From
(Any Job in respective District)
Item inglese 01 Teppista 47 29 76 Palermo & Venezia
Item pulcinella 01 Pulcinella 45 56 101 Napoli
Item swissguard 01 Swiss Guard 59 69 128 Città del Vaticano & The Eternal City


Image Name Required Total Required Loot Job Used Job
Level 1 Level 2 Level 3 Level 4
Item severedpinky 01 Severed Pinky 15 17 25 34 91
Item railticket 01 Rail Ticket 10 13 17 25 65
Item smartphone 01 Smart Phone 74 87 117 193 1366**

OR Infiltrate A Seven Star Hotel

OR Break Out an Incarcerated Lieutenant OR Link the Camorra to The Police

Rig the Vote for the Local Governor
Set Up Your Nightclub
Scale The Vatican Wall
Meet A Traitor

Item cookedbook 01 Cooked Book 13 17 25 34 839*
Item hiddencharges 01 Set of Hidden Charges 32 37 50 84 839**

OR Blow Up a Police Station

Locate The Secret Vault Archive
Smuggle in Explosives
Demolish Di Rossi's Villa

Red cross small Health Kit Max of 10 at any one time Any Job Boss Fight
Item shiv 01 Shiv Max of 10 at any one time Any Job Boss Fight
Icon grenade Grenade Max of 10 at any one time Any Job Boss Fight
Item stun-gun 01 Stun Gun Max of 10 at any one time Any Job Boss Fight

* 89 Cooked Books will master the required Job fully in Region 5. You will need additional Cooked Books to loot the Set of Hidden Charges needed in Regions 5, 6, 7 and 8. Fewer needed if you do not complete all paths.

** Fewer Smart Phones and Set of Hidden Charges will be needed if you do not complete all Paths.

Many more Hidden Charges & Smart Phones needed for stages 6-8 - Collect early while they're cheap.

Mastery Items[]

When you get Bronze Mastery on a District you receive the mastery item listed below. When you get Silver, Gold and Ruby Mastery this item gains more attack and defense and replaces the previously earned item.

Italian Boss fights are designed similarly to the Beat the Feds event. In theory, a really strong player could beat a Boss all by herself, but very few players will be able to do that. The Boss fights were purposely designed to encourage cooperation with your mafia to take down the Boss(es) together. You cannot use two Boss Fight consumables in a row (Health Kit, Shiv, Grenade, Stun Gun). Boss Fights will be timed and the boss will not heal until that timer expires, at which point, he will heal to full strength. Each Boss has a different timer.


Don Antonio De Rossi
Boss antonino di rossi
De Rossi's Shotgun

  • Item dirossisshotgun bronze 01Bronze Mastery: Icon attack 16x1675 Icon defense 16x1651 Mw tournament icon atk def126
  • Item dirossisshotgun silver 01Silver Mastery: Icon attack 16x1685 Icon defense 16x1657 Mw tournament icon atk def142
  • Item dirossisshotgun gold 01Gold Mastery: Icon attack 16x1696 Icon defense 16x1663 Mw tournament icon atk def159
  • Item dirossisshotgun ruby 01Ruby Mastery: Icon attack 16x16107 Icon defense 16x1669 Mw tournament icon atk def176


Don Aldo Adriano
Boss don aldo adriano
Aldo's Palermitan Horse

  • Item palermohorse bronze 01 Bronze Mastery: Icon attack 16x1655 Icon defense 16x1682 Mw tournament icon atk def137
  • Item palermohorse silver 01 Silver Mastery: Icon attack 16x1664 Icon defense 16x1695 Mw tournament icon atk def159
  • Item palermohorse gold 01 Gold Mastery: Icon attack 16x1673 Icon defense 16x16108 Mw tournament icon atk def181
  • Item palermohorse ruby 01 Ruby Mastery: Icon attack 16x1682 Icon defense 16x16121 Mw tournament icon atk def203


Don Del Brenta
Boss don del brentai
Del Brenta Cane Sword

  • Item delbrentacanesword bronze 01 Bronze Mastery: Icon attack 16x1648 Icon defense 16x1688 Mw tournament icon atk def136
  • Item delbrentacanesword silver 01 Silver Mastery: Icon attack 16x1656 Icon defense 16x16103 Mw tournament icon atk def159
  • Item delbrentacanesword gold 01 Gold Mastery: Icon attack 16x1664 Icon defense 16x16118 Mw tournament icon atk def182
  • Item delbrentacanesword ruby 01 Ruby Mastery: Icon attack 16x1672 Icon defense 16x16133 Mw tournament icon atk def205


Volovino Twins
Boss volovino twins
Auto Elettrica

  • Item italianogazzeti bronze 01 Bronze Mastery: Icon attack 16x1693 Icon defense 16x1671 Mw tournament icon atk def164
  • Item italianogazzeti silver 01 Silver Mastery: Icon attack 16x16108 Icon defense 16x1680 Mw tournament icon atk def188
  • Item italianogazzeti gold 01 Gold Mastery: Icon attack 16x16133 Icon defense 16x1689 Mw tournament icon atk def222
  • Item italianogazzeti ruby 01 Ruby Mastery: Icon attack 16x16148 Icon defense 16x1698 Mw tournament icon atk def246


Don Enzo Casazza
Boss defeat don enzo casazza
Enzo's Monocle

  • Item enzosmonocle bronze 01 Bronze Mastery: Icon attack 16x1674 Icon defense 16x16104 Mw tournament icon atk def178
  • Item enzosmonocle silver 01 Silver Mastery: Icon attack 16x1684 Icon defense 16x16121 Mw tournament icon atk def205
  • Item enzosmonocle gold 01 Gold Mastery: Icon attack 16x1694 Icon defense 16x16138 Mw tournament icon atk def232
  • Item enzosmonocle ruby 01 Ruby Mastery: Icon attack 16x16104 Icon defense 16x16155 Mw tournament icon atk def259


Don Vittorio Messino
BossPortraits 279x139 italy6
Messinos Pistol

  • Item messinospistol bronze 01 Bronze Mastery: Icon attack 16x16115 Icon defense 16x1685 Mw tournament icon atk def200
  • Item messinospistol silver 01 Silver Mastery: Icon attack 16x16135 Icon defense 16x1696 Mw tournament icon atk def231
  • Item messinospistol gold 01 Gold Mastery: Icon attack 16x16155 Icon defense 16x16107 Mw tournament icon atk def262
  • Item messinospistol ruby 01 Ruby Mastery: Icon attack 16x16175 Icon defense 16x16118 Mw tournament icon atk def293

Città del Vaticano[]

Commandant Ebersold
BossPortraits 279x139 italy7
Sword of St. Godfrey

  • Item swordofstgodfrey bronze 01 Bronze Mastery: Icon attack 16x1688 Icon defense 16x16129 Mw tournament icon atk def217
  • Item swordofstgodfrey silver 01 Silver Mastery: Icon attack 16x1699 Icon defense 16x16150 Mw tournament icon atk def249
  • Item swordofstgodfrey gold 01 Gold Mastery: Icon attack 16x16110 Icon defense 16x16171 Mw tournament icon atk def281
  • Item swordofstgodfrey ruby 01 Ruby Mastery: Icon attack 16x16121 Icon defense 16x16192 Mw tournament icon atk def313

The Eternal City[]

Don Rafael Di Rossi
BossPortraits 279x139 italy8
Di Rossi's Assassin

  • Item dirossisassassin bronze 01 Bronze Mastery: Icon attack 16x16144 Icon defense 16x1694 Mw tournament icon atk def238
  • Item dirossisassassin silver 01 Silver Mastery: Icon attack 16x16166 Icon defense 16x16104 Mw tournament icon atk def270
  • Item dirossisassassin gold 01 Gold Mastery: Icon attack 16x16188 Icon defense 16x16114 Mw tournament icon atk def302
  • Item dirossisassassin ruby 01 Ruby Mastery: Icon attack 16x16210 Icon defense 16x16124 Mw tournament icon atk def334


Dinner Is Served[]

  • Obtained: Italy
  • Vault Bonus: +10% item drop rate in Italy
  • Revault Bonus: Cannot Revault
Toasted Ravioli Wishlist Traditional Pizza Wishlist Calzone Wishlist Gnocchi Wishlist Meatballs Wishlist Gelato Wishlist Cioppino Wishlist
Toasted Ravioli Traditional Pizza Calzone Gnocchi Meatballs Gelato Cioppino

Roman Standards[]

  • Obtained: Italy
  • Vault Bonus: +10 Icon attack 16x16 and +10 Icon defense 16x16
  • Revault Bonus: Cannot Revault
Banner Wishlist Capitoline Wishlist Castle Wishlist Centurion Wishlist Eagle Wishlist Flag Wishlist Palm Wishlist
Banner Capitoline Castle Centurion Eagle Flag Palm

The Great Inventor[]

  • Obtained: Italy
  • Vault Bonus: +50 Health
  • Revault Bonus: Cannot Revault
Bones of Man Wishlist Mother With Child Wishlist Portrait Wishlist Helicopter Scroll Wishlist Vitruvian Man Wishlist Tank Wishlist Crossbow Wishlist
Bones of Man Mother With Child Portrait Helicopter Scroll Vitruvian Man Tank Crossbow

Famous Rulers[]

  • Obtained: Italy
  • Vault Bonus: +15 Energy and +15 Stamina icon
  • Revault Bonus: Cannot Revault
Marius - Great Man Wishlist Caesar - Statesman Wishlist Augustus - First Wishlist Nero - Madman Wishlist Trajan - Kind Soldier Wishlist Constantine - Unifier Wishlist Justinian - Last Wishlist
Marius - Great Man Caesar - Statesman Augustus - First Nero - Madman Trajan - Kind Soldier Constantine - Unifier Justinian - Last

Triple Mastery[]


For a limited time, travel to Italy to earn 3X Mastery there until 11:59 PM (Pacific Time) on Tuesday 12/13. In addition, the new Barb Dagger (104/51) will drop randomly when you do jobs in Italy, so now's a great time to take a trip to the old country!

Mafia Wars Blog
Item Stats
Item barbdagger 01
Barb Dagger
Icon attack 16x16104 Icon defense 16x1651 Mw tournament icon atk def155


Icon Description
Mw achievement vivaitalia border
Viva Italia!
Earned October 20, 2010
Earned by completing the Bronze level Mastery of Regions 1-5 in Italy
Mw achievement vintnerexperto border
Vintner Experto
Earned October 20, 2010
Earned by upgrading Winery to level 10
Mw achievement thedeadliestcatch border
The Deadliest Catch
Earned October 20, 2010
Earned by upgrading Fishery to level 10
Mw achievement breadandcircus border
Bread and Circuses
Earned October 20, 2010
Earned by icing 1000 fighters in Italy
Mw achievement centurion border
Earned October 20, 2010
Own 500 Fucile De Caccias
Mw achievement romeisburning border
Rome is Burning
Earned October 20, 2010
Earned by fully clearing 100 robbing boards in Italy
Mw achievement mediterraneanmaestro border
Mediterranean Maestro
Earned October 20, 2010
Earned by upgrading Villa to level 10
Mw achievement romesweethome border
Rome, Sweet Home
Earned October 20, 2010
Earned by upgrading all Italy properties level 1
Mw achievement hailcaesar border
Hail Caesar!
Earned October 20, 2010
Earned by completing the Ruby Level of Mastery of Regions 1-5 in Italy


Italy is a new city that will be coming soon to Mafia Wars. It is the sixth location available.

Italy, the newest Mafia Wars destination, is almost here. Get ready to travel to the birthplace of the Mafia. Your journey begins in Rome. Grow your Roman empire by completing new crimes and the building of a luxurious Italian villa which will produce money and weaponry. Defeat rival bosses like a gladiator by attacking them with more powerful shivs, grenades, and stun guns.

We've made some other improvements that we can't wait for you to check out when Italy goes live later this month. Prepare to go back to the old country with your new mafia.


Vince Giorgio-Smug finalVince Giorgio-Furious final

Italy City Missions are given by Vince Giorgio.

There are a total of 38 city missions for Italy, including 4 of each mastery mission (Bronze, Silver, Gold, Ruby).

Completing the mastery missions is not required, does not restrict the way you progress, and will not prevent you from obtaining the Mastery Rewards.




Mafia Wars Italy Trailer

Insurection-italy-title Insurrection In Italy[]


You took everything they called their own. They're back with a vengeance and some new allies - the Neo-Imperium. All of Italy is up in arms, and you're their target. Beat them at their own game and walk away with your head held high before Italy is locked down.

Insurrection In Italy MW Blog


The tables have turned yet again for the Italian mafia bosses. Although heavily protected, the latest reports claim that the prominent members of the mob families were found dead. Italy witnesses collateral damages of these violent crimes with skyrocketing death tolls. The crime scenes reek of the Neo-Imperium. The police are helpless to intervene ...

Beat them at their own game by completing the mission Insurrection in Italy before it closes at 9:30 PM (Pacific Time) on 6th March, 2012 to earn an exclusive new loot item, Kingfisher (115/60). In addition, you’ll receive 5x Job Mastery and a grand prize, Mafioso (171/105).

Rush to Italy and get your revenge NOW before the city locks down!

Mafia Wars Blog

  • What exactly does the closing of Italy mean?
    • Italy will no longer be accessible after 9:30 PM (Pacific Time) on March 6th 2012 Although you will still be able to see it on the travel Menu, It will be grayed out and travel there will not be possible.
    • Aside from travel to the city, this also means that you will not be able to collect from Italy properties (My village) or access the city's bank.
    • In addition to this, you will not be able to vault or re-vault any of the Italy collections after the city has closed.
  • Is the closing of Italy going to be permanent?
    • Italy will remain closed for the foreseeable future.
  • I got a pop-up with news about Insurrection In Italy. When will the mission event begin?
    • The Insurrection In Italy Mission Event is scheduled to be released at 9:30 PM (Pacific Time) on February 27th 2012.
  • How much time do I have to complete the Mission Event before Italy closes?
    • You will have 8 days. from February 27th to finish the mission and collect as much loot as possible before Italy closes.
  • What does the Mission Event entail?
    • During the event you will receive 5X mastery for finishing jobs in Italy. In addition to the regular loot drops for the city you will also have the chance to loot a new and rare Animal bonus item.
  • What is the bonus item that can be looted with this event?
    • The additional bonus item called 'Kingfisher' will drop from Italy fights and jobs. It has attack strength of 115 and defense strength of 60.
  • Will there be a mastery item that is awarded if I complete Mission Event: Insurrection In Italy?
    • Yes, if you complete this Mission Event successfully, you will be rewarded with the vehicle item 'Mafioso'. Mafioso has attack strength of 171, and defense strength of 105. In addition, you will receive a mastery item for mastering each tier of the Mission Event.
  • Will I need to collect my special items in order to complete the Mission Event?
    • Yes, in order to complete the event you will need to collect 'Supersonic Wave Blaster'. The item will be available through feeds to help you complete the Mission Event.
  • What if I have finished Italy already?
    • You can still do jobs and complete Mission event - Insurrection In Italy. Completing the Mission Event will award you with Mafioso (171/105) and doing more jobs will increase your chance to get rare loot item 'Kingfisher'.
  • What if I haven't finished Italy yet?
    • If you haven't finished Italy yet. You will receive 5x mastery on all un-mastered jobs. Each mastered job rewards you with a skill point, so this is a chance to collect some skill point faster.
    • Doing more jobs will also increase your chances to get the rare loot item 'Kingfisher'. If you haven't vaulted the Italy collection yet, you can do so while Italy is still available, but not after it has closed.
    • Completing the mission event: Insurrection In Italy will award you with Mafioso (171/105) and mastery items for mastering each tier of the mission event.
  • What will happen to my process in Italy, if I do not finish in time?
    • All process made by you will be saved, but you will not be able to access the city after 9:30 PM (Pacific Time) on March 6th 2012.

Insurrection In Italy

Italy Locked
