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Item bloodredtiger 01
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-Image © Zynga
Available On Facebook February 9, 2010
Type Animals
Quality Uncommon Uncommon
Icon attack 16x16 Attack 36
Icon defense 16x16 Defense 24
Mw tournament icon atk def Combined 60
Source Limited Time Job:Valentine's Day Massacre
Gold Treasure Chest
Giftable Giftable Giftable
Mw wishlist-feed 90x90
This loot could be added to your Wishlist:

Date Events
February 9, 2010 Limited Time Job:Valentine's Day Massacre
April 16, 2010 Gold Treasure Chest
June 9, 2010 Type changed from Weapon

Highball was the name of gangster John May's German Sheperd Dog. Highball was one of two survivors of the Saint Valentine's Day Massacre in 1929.
