Mafia Wars Wiki

Fight club banner 02

Fightclub refresh promos 380x200 Fightclub refresh promos 226x108

  • New subsection of the Marketplace
  • Victory Coins can be traded in at the Marketplace for items. You will have to win more fights in order to increase the percent everytime you increase your Fight Club Level.
  • Victory Coins are accumulated via fighting, and in the Tournaments in Las Vegas.
  • On January 26th, 2011 they relaunched the Fight Club Shop with all new items! And Good Ones This Time!
  • They removed the purchase timer so you can now buy more than one item at a time! This Excludes Energy Refills (18 Hr Timer)


July 30, 2010[]

Fight Mastery Name Type

Attack Atk

Defense Def

Mw tournament icon atk defCombined Victory iconPrice Limit
1 Haig And Power B200
Inv HaigAndHowerB200 01
Weapons 40 40 80 Victory icon200 + Icon NYcash 16x16 011M
or Victory icon50 + Rp icon old5
Once per 8 hours
3 CM Hatchback
Inv cmhatchback 01
Vehicles 41 41 82 Victory icon200 + Icon NYcash 16x16 011M
or Victory icon50 + Rp icon old5
Once per 8 hours
4 Flex Guard
Inv flexguard 01
Armor 42 42 84 Victory icon200 + Icon NYcash 16x16 011M
or Victory icon50 + Rp icon old5
Once per 8 hours
5 Wild Boar
Item WildBoar 01
Animals 43 43 86 Victory icon200 + Icon NYcash 16x16 011M
or Victory icon50 + Rp icon old5
Once per 8 hours
6 Fire Ants x5
Item fireants 01
Boosts +50 attack skill - 50 Victory icon50 Once per day
7 Mace
Item PepperSpray 01
Weapons 30 49 79 Victory icon500 + Icon NYcash 16x16 0110M Once per 8 hours
8 Defender Armored Car
Item DefenderArmoredCar 01
Vehicles 31 50 81 Victory icon500 + Icon NYcash 16x16 0110M Once per 8 hours
9 Caltrops x5
Item caltrops 01
Boosts - +100 Fight defense skill 100 Victory icon100

Once per day

10 Bomb Helmet
Item BombHelmet 01
Armor 32 52 84 Victory icon500 + Icon NYcash 16x16 0110M Once per 8 hours
11 Red Back Spider
Item RedBackedSpider 01
Animals 33 53 86 Victory icon500 + Icon NYcash 16x16 0110M Once per 8 hours
12 Rp icon old1 + Achievement
Mw fight achievements 16k
Achievements - - - Victory icon100 Only once
13 SK 7 Shorty
Item SK7Shorty 01
Weapons 54 35 89 Victory icon1,000
Icon NYcash 16x16 01100,000,000
Once per 8 hours
14 Buzzsaw
Item Buzzsaw 01
Vehicles 55 35 90 Victory icon1,000
Icon NYcash 16x16 01100,000,000
Once per 8 hours
15 Rp icon old5 + Achievement
Mw fight achievements 34k
Achievements - - - Victory icon100 Only once
16 Glass Knuckles x 5
Item glassknuckles 01
Boosts +100 fight attack skill - 100 Victory icon1.000 Once per day
17 Panel Vest
Item PanelVest 01
Armor 56 36 92 Victory icon1,000
Icon NYcash 16x16 01100,000,000
Once per 8 hours
18 Rp icon old10 + Achievement
Mw fight achievements 61k
Achievements - - - Victory icon100 Only once
19 Nile Crocodile
Item nilecrocodile 01
Animals 57 35 92 Victory icon1.000
Icon NYcash 16x16 01100,000,000
Once per 8 hours
20 Fighter's Energy Refill
Buy energy 75x75 01
Energy Refill - - - or Victory icon100 Once per day
or Victory icon90, Rp icon old2 Once per 8 hours
or Victory icon25, Rp icon old7 Once per 8 hours
21 Rp icon old20 + Achievement
Mw fight achievements 100k
Achievements - - - Victory icon100 Only once
21 Glance 32 SR
Item glance312Sr 01
Vehicles 33 72 105 Victory icon25 Once per week
21 Hazard Gear
Item hazardgear 01
Armor 35 71 106 Victory icon25 Once per week
21 Silenced Sniper Rifle
Item silencedsniperrifle 01
Weapons 70 28 98 Victory icon25 Once per week

Januay 26, 2011[]

Fight Mastery Name Type Attack Atk Defense Def Mw tournament icon atk defCombined Victory iconPrice
1 Fighters Enery Refill
Buy energy 75x75 01
Energy Refill - - - Victory icon100 + Icon-gf-coin5
20 Fighters Enery Refill
Buy energy 75x75 01
Energy Refill - - - Victory icon400
1 Bomb Helmet
Item BombHelmet 01
Armor 32 52 84 Victory icon200 or Victory icon100 + Icon-gf-coin5
2 Red Back Spider
Item RedBackedSpider 01
Animals 33 53 86 Victory icon200 or Victory icon100 + Icon-gf-coin5
3 SK 7 Shorty
Item SK7Shorty 01
Weapons 54 34 88 Victory icon200 or Victory icon100 + Icon-gf-coin5
4 Buzzsaw
Item Buzzsaw 01
Vehicles 55 35 90 Victory icon200 or Victory icon100 + Icon-gf-coin5
5 Panel Vest
Item PanelVest 01
Armor 56 36 92 Victory icon200 or Victory icon100 + Icon-gf-coin5
6 Fire Ants x5
Item fireants 01
Boosts Icon attack 16x16+50 fight attack skill - - Victory icon50
7 Nile Crocodile
Item nilecrocodile 01
Animals 57 37 94 Victory icon200
8 Quest 38
Item quest38 01
Vehicles 40 62 102 Victory icon300
9 Caltrops x5
Item caltrops 01
Boosts - Icon defense 16x16+100 fight defense skill - Victory icon100
10 Worst Nightmare
Item yourworstnightmare 01
Animals 63 50 113 Victory icon300
11 Bullet Concerto
Item bulletconcerto 01
Weapons 63 45 108 Victory icon300
12 Chrome Essence
Item chromeessence 01
Vehicles 64 38 102 Victory icon300
13 Snowy Owl
Snow Owl
Animals 67 41 108 Victory icon300
14 Duality
Item duality 01
Weapons 68 48 116 Victory icon300
14 Breath of Fresh Air
Item breathoffreshair 01
Vehicles 24 70 94 Victory icon300
15 Silenced Sniper Rifle
Item silencedsniperrifle 01
Weapons 70 28 98 Victory icon300
16 Glass Knuckles x5
Item glassknuckles 01
Boosts Icon attack 16x16+100 fight attack skill - - Victory icon100
17 Glance 32 SR
Item glance312Sr 01
Vehicles 33 72 105 Victory icon400
18 Hazard Gear
Item hazardgear 01
Armor 35 71 106 Victory icon400
19 The Fates
Item thefates 01
Henchmen 72 50 122 Victory icon400
20 Thresher Shark
Item threshershark 01
Animals 73 54 127 Victory icon500
21 Splint Greaves
Item splintgreaves 01
Armor 28 73 101 Victory icon500

July 13, 2011[]

Fight Mastery Name Type

Attack Atk

Defense Def

Mw tournament icon atk defCombined Victory iconPrice
22 Slaying Moon
Item slayingmoon 01
Weapons 98 63 161 Victory icon750
22 Reed Runner
Item reedrunner 01
Vehicles 65 99 164 Victory icon750
23 Rugged Tactics Vest
Link=Rugged Tactics Vest
Armor 70 92 162 Victory icon750
23 Himalayan Wolf
Item himalayanwolf 01
Animals 70 96 166 Victory icon750
24 Angel Arm
Item angelarm 01
Weapons 64 99 163 Victory icon750
24 Gothic Boots
Item gothicboots 01
Armor 100 64 164 Victory icon750
25 Hellion
Item hellion 01
Vehicles 100 63 163 Victory icon750
25 Cheetah
Item cheetah 01
Animals 99 65 164 Victory icon750

Levels of Mastery[]

When you reach a new level you can buy new items in the Fight Club.

Level Title Fight Win Start Fight Wins Required for Next Level



Level 1 Apprentice Bully 0 100 100
Level 2 Skilled Bully 100 300 400
Level 3 Master Bully 400 500 900
Level 4 Apprentice Brute 900 700 1600
Level 5 Skilled Brute 1600 900 2500
Level 6 Master Brute 2500 1100 3600
Level 7 Apprentice Hunter 3600 1300 4900
Level 8 Skilled Hunter 4900 1500 6400
Level 9 Master Hunter 6400 1700 8100
Level 10 Apprentice Slayer 8100 2100 10200
Level 11 Skilled Slayer 10200 2600 12800
Level 12 Master Slayer 12800


Level 13 Apprentice Killer 16000 4600 20600
Level 14 Skilled Killer 20600 6000 26600
Level 15 Master Killer 26600 7400 34000
Level 16 Apprentice Executioner 34000 8200 42200
Level 17 Skilled Executioner 42200 9000 51200
Level 18 Master Executioner 51200 9800 61000
Level 19 Apprentice Assassin 61000 11400


Level 20 Skilled Assassin 72400 13000 85400
Level 21 Master Assassin 85400 14500 100000

So it really only takes 85400 to get to level 21 to get achievement.

100,000 total is to get to start of level 22 which isn't required.

Note: Defensive fight wins do NOT count for fight wins. Only offensive fight wins (fights that you start) count for fight mastery.

Fight Mastery Name Type Attack Atk Defense Def Mw tournament icon atk defCombined Victory iconPrice