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Item Garbage Man-04
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Ex-KGB Bodyguard
Ex-KGB Bodyguard
-Image © Zynga
Available On Facebook October 8, 2009
Type Henchmen
Quality Ultimate Ultimate
Icon attack 16x16 Attack 48
Icon defense 16x16 Defense 30
Mw tournament icon atk def Combined 78
Loot From Mastering Brigadir
Source Mastery Rewards
Subtypes Person
Giftable Giftable Giftable
Mw wishlist-feed 90x90
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Date Events
October 8, 2009 Mastery Rewards of Brigadir


  • The KGB (Комитет государственной безопасности, Committee for State Security) was the national security agency of the USSR. From 1954 until 1991, the Committee for State Security was the Communist state's premier secret police, internal security, and intelligence organization.