Collections are groups of 7 themed loot items. Almost every job tier has at least one collection. The Underboss and Boss job tiers in New York, the El Cacique tier in Cuba, the Dragon Head, Saboteur and Assassin job tiers in Bangkok are the only tiers with no associated collections. Italy and Las Vegas has four collections but they aren't associated with any specific district.
How to get Collections
Specific collections can be obtained by
- completing the jobs in that collection's job tier
- trades with other players
- Money Laundering
- the Free Gift program
- the Secret Stash
- winning Tournaments
- Mystery Bags / Red Mystery Bags
If the player collects all 7 items of a collection, it can be vaulted. This will use up 1 of each of the 7 items and grant the player a bonus to their Health, Energy, Stamina, Attack,Defense, Loot Drops, or bank depositing.
Once a vault has been carried out on a collection and all 7 items are found again, it can be revaulted, rewarding the player with a specific Boost. Revaulting can be done as many times as there are complete collections available, with the exception of the Daily Chance collection, and ones associated with special events such as the Easter Crime eggs.
It is entirely possible and probable to master a job tier and still not have completed a collection in that tier, prompting trades with other players and redoing jobs in finished tiers in hopes of looting the missing item. It is also not uncommon to have all but the same one in every collection (ie: the 6th item). The one item that is the rarest to find in each collection seems to vary from player to player.
The Collector, Curator, No Razors Needed, Master Collector, and Back In The U.S.S.R. achievements can be gained by completing and vaulting various collections.
The total bonus in skill points or other benefits that can be obtained by vaulting every current collection is 43 Health, 47 Energy, 10 Stamina, 21 Attack, 37 Defense, +10% Loot Drops, and -3% on bank deposits.
Clicking on the + Wishlist icon next to the items on this page will add that item to your Wishlist in Mafia Wars (Facebook).
Some collection items, especially the Daily Chance and Money Laundering items, do not directly appear on the Gifting page with the other collections. In order to send these items to your mafia, you must go directly to your Collections & Vault page in your Inventory and click Send Gift by the item you wish to send. The item will be highlighted and you can click the target recipient as normal.
Since September 9, 2010 collections have been sorted. You can now choose a city, Crew Collections and Special Collections (Events, Mystery Bag, Robbing and Tournaments).
New York Collections
Diamond Flush Collection
- Obtained: Street Thug Job Tier
- Vault Bonus: +1 Energy
- Revault Boost: Tripwire (+10 fight defense skill)
Eight of Diamonds | Nine of Diamonds | Ten of Diamonds | Jack of Diamonds | Queen of Diamonds | King of Diamonds | Ace of Diamonds | Tripwire |
Heart Flush Collection
- Obtained: Associate Job Tier
- Vault Bonus: +5 Health
- Revault Boost: Cappuccino (-3 job energy costs)
Eight of Hearts | Nine of Hearts | Ten of Hearts | Jack of Hearts | Queen of Hearts | King of Hearts | Ace of Hearts | Cappuccino |
Sculptures Collection
- Obtained: Soldier Job Tier
- Vault Bonus: +3 Defense
- Revault Boost: Alarm System (+15 robbing defense skill)
Rat Sculpture | Sheep Sculpture | Rooster Sculpture | Monkey Sculpture | Tiger Sculpture | Snake Sculpture | Dragon Sculpture | Alarm System |
Poker Chips Collection
- Obtained: Soldier Job Tier
- Vault Bonus: +2 Attack
- Revault Boost: Bulldog (+18 fight defense skill)
White Poker Chip | Brown Poker Chip | Red Poker Chip | Blue Poker Chip | Green Poker Chip | Purple Poker Chip | Gold Poker Chip | Bulldog |
Club Flush Collection
- Obtained: Soldier Job Tier
- Vault Bonus: +3 Attack
- Revault Boost: Problem Solver (-5 job energy costs)
Eight of Clubs | Nine of Clubs | Ten of Clubs | Jack of Clubs | Queen of Clubs | King of Clubs | Ace of Clubs | Problem Solver |
Boxing Collection
- Obtained: Soldier Job Tier
- Vault Bonus: +3 Attack
- Revault Boost: Semi-Pro Boxer (+15 attack skill)
Hand Tape | Gloves | Headgear | Boxing Trunks | Speed Bag | Heavy Bag | Boxing Ring | Semi-Pro Boxer |
Cigars Collection
- Obtained: Enforcer Job Tier
- Vault Bonus: +2 Energy
- Revault Boost: Fixer (-8 job energy costs)
Ebony Cigar | Sky Cigar | Rose Cigar | Ivory Cigar | Turquoise | Gold Cigar | Royal Cigar | Fixer |
Spade Flush Collection
- Obtained: Enforcer Job Tier
- Vault Bonus: +2 Stamina
- Revault Boost: Sting Grenade (+20 attack skill)
Eight of Spades | Nine of Spades | Ten of Spades | Jack of Spades | Queen of Spades | King of Spades | Ace of Spades | Sting Grenade |
Billiard Balls Collection
- Obtained: Enforcer Job Tier
- Vault Bonus: +1 Stamina
- Revault Boost: Bouncer (+27 robbing defense skill)
One Ball | Two Ball | Three Ball | Four Ball | Five Ball | Cue Ball | Eight Ball | Bouncer |
Rings Collection
- Obtained: Hitman Job Tier
- Vault Bonus: +4 Defense
- Revault Boost: Blueprints (-10 job energy costs)
Topaz Ring | Opal Ring | Amethyst Ring | Emerald Ring | Sapphire Ring | Ruby Ring | Diamond Ring | Blueprints |
Ties Collection
- Obtained: Hitman Job Tier
- Vault Bonus: +6 Defense
- Revault Boost: Injunction (+25 fight defense skill)
Solid Tie | Striped Tie | Checked Tie | Geometric Tie | Dot Tie | Paisley Tie | Knitted Tie | Injunction |
Paintings Collection
- Obtained: Capo Job Tier
- Vault Bonus: +6 Energy
- Revault Boost: Motion Detector (+37 robbing defense skill)
Warhol | Cezanne | Matisse | Van Gogh | Dali | Monet | Rembrandt | Motion Detector |
Cufflinks Collection
- Obtained: Capo Job Tier
- Vault Bonus: +10 Health
- Revault Boost: Corporate Muscle (+35 attack skill)
Silver Cufflinks | Gold Cufflinks | Amber Cufflinks | Jasper Cufflinks | Agate Cufflinks | Onyx Cufflinks | Pearl Cufflinks | Corporate Muscle |
Barber Collection
- Obtained: Capo Job Tier
- Vault Bonus: +4 Energy
- Revault Boost: Shave & A Haircut (+35 fight defense skill)
Barber Pole | Razor | Brush | Seat | Towel | Scissors | Cream | Shave & A Haircut |
Great Race Horses Collection
- Obtained: Consigliere Job Tier
- Vault Bonus: +7 Energy
- Revault Boost: Inside Tip (-16 job energy costs)
Mill Reef | Sea Bird | Arkle | Golden Miller | St. Simon | Ormonde | Eclipse | Inside Tip |
Daily Chance Collection
- Obtained: Daily Chance
- Vault Bonus: +10% to job loot drops
Bingo Card | Deck of Cards | Dice | Roulette Wheel | Slot Machine | Craps Table | Baccarat Shoe |
- This collection does not need to be completed for the Master Collector achievement.
- This collection can only be given to another user through wishlist-gifting.
Money Laundering Collection
- Obtained: Money Laundering
- Vault Bonus: -3% on bank deposits
- Revault Boost: Money Sock (+50% money drop on jobs).
Money iron | Dirty Laundry | Dryer Sheets | Money Line | Roll of Quarters | Death by Detergent | Dirty Bra | Money Sock |
- This collection does not need to be completed for the Master Collector achievement.
- This collection can only be given to another user through wishlist-gifting.
Cuban Collections
Rum Drinks Collection
- Obtained: El Soldado Job Tier
- Vault Bonus: +8 Energy
- Revault Boost: Flaming Shot (+30 attack skill)
Piña Colada | Hurricane | Bahama Mama | Mojito | Rum Runner | Long Island Ice Tea | Cuba Libre | Flaming Shot |
Tropical Fruits Collection
- Obtained: El Capitan Job Tier
- Vault Bonus: +3 Stamina
- Revault Boost: Boosted Smoothie (-18 job energy costs)
Banana | Lime | Pineapple | Papaya | Coconut | Passion Fruit | Dragon Fruit | Boosted Smoothie |
Entertainers Collection
- Obtained: El Jefe Job Tier
- Vault Bonus: +10 Health
- Revault Boost: 7 Sandbag Wall (+35 fight defense skill)
Magician | Fan Dancer | Comedian | Band Leader | Cabaret Singer | Crooner | Burlesque Dancer | Sandbag Wall |
Tropical Fish Collection
- Obtained: El Patron Job Tier
- Vault Bonus: +5 Attack
- Revault Boost: Blowfish Dart (+40 attack skill)
Pufferfish | Sergeant Major | Yellowtail Snapper | Great Barracuda | Queen Angelfish | Reef Shark | Blue Marlin | Blowfish Dart |
Beards Collection
- Obtained: El Padrino Job Tier
- Vault Bonus: +7 Defense
- Revault Boost: Hobo Lookout (+60 robbing defense skill)
Garibaldi | Hulihee | Vandyke | Mutton Chops | Soul Patch | French Fork | Fidel | Hobo Lookout |
- Completing this collection will grant the player the No Razors Needed achievement.
Moscow Collections
Prison Tattoos Collection
- Obtained: Baklany Job Tier
- Vault Bonus: +6 Defense
- Revault Boost: Temporary Tattoo (+42 fight defense skill)
Rose Tattoo | Church Tattoo | Star Tattoo | Spider Tattoo | Tiger Tattoo | Skull Tattoo | Crucifix Tattoo | Temporary Tattoo |
Matryoshka Dolls Collection
- Obtained: Boets Job Tier
- Vault Bonus: +7 Energy
- Revault Boost: Hidden Matryoshka (-20 job energy costs)
Natalya's Doll | Olga's Doll | Oksana's Doll | Svetlana's Doll | Tatyana's Doll | Anastasiya's Doll | Ekaterina's Doll | Hidden Matryoshka |
Russian Leaders Collection
- Obtained: Brigadir Job Tier
- Vault Bonus: +4 Attack
- Revault Boost: Political Favor (+60 robbing defense skill)
Medal of Gorbachev | Medal of Yeltsin | Medal of Brezhnev | Medal of Kruschev | Medal of Putin | Medal of Stalin | Medal of Lenin | Political Favor |
Vodka Drinks Collection
- Obtained: Avtoritet Job Tier
- Vault Bonus: +4 Stamina
- Revault Boost: Liquid Courage (+44 Attack Skill)
Cosmopolitan | Screwdriver | Sex on the Beach | Bloody Mary | Black Russian | White Russian | Soviet | Liquid Courage |
Soviet Memorabilia Collection
- Obtained: Vor Job Tier
- Vault Bonus: +10 Health
- Revault Boost: Berlin Wall Section (+46 fight defense skill)
Red Star | Kremlin | Communist Manifesto | Propaganda Poster | Hammer | Sickle | Bust of Lenin | Berlin Wall Section |
- Completing this collection will grant the player the Back in the U.S.S.R. achievement.
Fabergé Egg Collection
- Obtained: Pakhan Job Tier
- Vault Bonus: +8 Energy
- Revault Boost: Fabergé Hen (-24 job energy costs)
Diamond Trellis | Jade | Military | Pansy | Rainbow | Winter | Peter the Great | Fabergé Hen |
Bangkok Collections
Chess Set Collection
- Obtained: Brawler Job Tier
- Vault Bonus: +5 Energy
- Revault Boost: Chess Master (-8 Energy costs)
Chess Board | Pawn | Knight | Bishop | Rook | Queen | King | Chess Master |
Masks Collection
- Obtained: Criminal Job Tier
- Vault Bonus: +5 Defense
- Revault Boost: War Paint (+32 attack)
Agat-Talai's Mask | Sukreep's Mask | Palee's Mask | Phra Ram's Mask | Indrachit's Mask | Hanuman's Mask | Tosakanth's Mask | War Paint |
Spices Collection
- Obtained: Pirate Job Tier
- Vault Bonus: +7 Defense
- Revault Boost: Pepper Spray (+36 Fight Defense)
Coriander | Garlic | Turmeric | Green Peppercorn | Holy Basil | Lemongrass | Thai Chili | Pepper Spray |
Carvings Collection
- Obtained: Commandant Job Tier
- Vault Bonus: +4 Attack
- Finalised revault boost: Chisel (+34 Attack)
- Revault Boost: Black Market Ammo (+32 Attack)
- Former revault bonus: Chisel (+34 Attack)
Wall Carving | Floral Statue | Dragon Statue | Decorative Nightstand | Lotus Bloom | Rearing Elephant | Stone Buddha | Chisel |
Orchids Collection
- Obtained: Dragon Head Job Tier, Oyabun Job Tier
- Vault Bonus: +8 Health
- Finalised revault boost: Boutonniere (+10% money on jobs)
- Revault Boost: Hyper Alert Sentry (+32 fight defense skill)
- Former revault bonus: Boutonniere (+10% money on jobs)
Marco Polo | Grace Pink | Misteen | Jade Siam | Bom Gold | Bom Blue | Fatima | Boutonniere |
Las Vegas Collections
Las Vegas Collections cannot be Revaulted.
Cactus Collection
- Obtained: Las Vegas
- Vault Bonus: +30
Christmas Cactus | Silver Cholla | Cottontop Cactus | Hedgehog Cactus | Prickly Pear Cactus | Barrel Cactus | Saguaro |
Mojave Animals Collection
- Obtained: Las Vegas
- Vault Bonus: +10 and +10
Jackrabbit | Coyote | Roadrunner | Rattlesnake | Kit Fox | Golden Eagle | Mountain Lion |
Poker Hands Collection
- Obtained: Las Vegas
- Vault Bonus: +20 and +20
Pair | Two Pair | Three of a Kind | Full House | Four of a Kind | Straight Flush | Joker |
Matchbooks Collection
Loot Isle Casino | Camelot Hotel | Giza Las Vegas | Florentine Resort | Soft Rock Casino | Jersey, Jersey | Planet Bollywood |
Italy Collections
Dinner Is Served
- Obtained: Italy
- Vault Bonus: +10% item drop rate in Italy
- Revault Bonus: Cannot Revault
Toasted Ravioli | Traditional Pizza | Calzone | Gnocchi | Meatballs | Gelato | Cioppino |
Roman Standards
- Obtained: Italy
- Vault Bonus: +10 and +10
- Revault Bonus: Cannot Revault
Banner | Capitoline | Castle | Centurion | Eagle | Flag | Palm |
The Great Inventor
- Obtained: Italy
- Vault Bonus: +50
- Revault Bonus: Cannot Revault
Bones of Man | Mother With Child | Portrait | Helicopter Scroll | Vitruvian Man | Tank | Crossbow |
Famous Rulers
- Obtained: Italy
- Vault Bonus: +15 and +15
- Revault Bonus: Cannot Revault
Marius - Great Man | Caesar - Statesman | Augustus - First | Nero - Madman | Trajan - Kind Soldier | Constantine - Unifier | Justinian - Last |
Brazil Collections
Precious Collection
Warning: The collection pieces from this set CAN be stolen from you!
- Obtained: Brazil (Robbing, Collecting from Property, and Daily Take)
- Vault Bonus: My Precious, +10 +10 +50
- Revault Bonus: One of the following: 20,000 or +10 or +10 or +50
Aquamarine | Brazilian Emerald | Gold Nugget | Imperial Topaz | Pink Diamond | Raw Diamond | Tourmaline |
Beaches Collection
- Obtained: Brazil (Rio de Janeiro: Centro)
- Vault Bonus: +30
- Revault Bonus: Cannot Revault
Pinho | Jericoacoara | Ipanema | Recife | Ponta Negra | Florianopolis | Canoa Quebrada |
Musical Instruments Collection
- Obtained: Brazil (Belem)
- Vault Bonus: +12
- Revault Bonus: Cannot Revault
Agogo | Atabaque | Bateri | Ganzá | Pandeiro | Skekere/Xequerê | Tamborim |
Amazonian Plants Collection
- Obtained: Brazil (Manaus)
- Vault Bonus: +20
- Revault Bonus: Cannot Revault
Dutchman's Pipe | Giant Amazon Water Lily | Tabebuia | Amazon Coral Tree | Passion Fruit | Banana Plant | White Flowers |
Drinks Collection
- Obtained: Brazil (Sao Paolo: Heliopolis)
- Vault Bonus: +20
- Revault Bonus: Cannot Revault
West Rum Caipirinha | Leite de Onça | Agua de Coco | Chimarrão | Vinho Quente | Cerveja | Lucky Lucas |
Head Dresses Collection
- Obtained: Brazil (Recife)
- Vault Bonus: +15
- Revault Bonus: Cannot Revault
Golden Goddess | Red Dawn | Green Canopy | Black Midnight | Jungle Vines | Purple Plum | Sun Shine |
Chicago Collections
Car Bonnets Collection
- Obtained: Chicago (Sam's Truck Shop)
- Vault Bonus: +30
- Revault Bonus: Cannot Revault
Aphrodite's Bonnet | Big Shot Bonnet | Dash Bonnet | Eagle Bonnet | Lion Bonnet | Skull Bonnet | Stallion Bonnet |
Stickpins Collection
- Obtained: Chicago (Main Street Speakeasy)
- Vault Bonus: +12
- Revault Bonus: Cannot Revault
Amber Star Stickpin | Carved Emerald Stickpin | Diamond Stickpin | Middle Aisle Stickpin | Pearl Stickpin | Rose Stickpin | Shield Stickpin |
Sharp Dressers Collection
- Obtained: Chicago (The Old Warehouse)
- Vault Bonus: +20
- Revault Bonus: Cannot Revault
6-button Long Coat | 4-button Pinstriped Suit | Double Breasted Suit | Gabardine suit | Glad Rags | Swanky Moll Suit | Glamour Flapper Dress |
Fedora Collection
- Obtained: Chicago (Ballot Box Distillery)
- Vault Bonus: +20
- Revault Bonus: Cannot Revault
Diamond Crowned Fedora | Borsalino Wide-Brimmed | Cavanagh Edge | Narrow-Brimmed Triby | Bowler Hat | Bell Hat | Single Dent Homburg |
Tie One On Collection
- Obtained: Chicago (Lakeside Docks)
- Vault Bonus: +15
- Revault Bonus: Cannot Revault
Four-Point Fold Black Silk | Three-Point Fold White Silk | Two-Point Fold Green Silk | Two-Point Fold Red Linen | One-Point Fold Canary Linen | Straight Shell Blue Cotton | Puff Fold Gray Cotton |
Jockey Jacket Collection
- Obtained: Chicago (Crosstown Showdown)
- Vault Bonus: +15 , +10
- Revault Bonus: Cannot Revault
Triple Victory | Double Stride | Copacetic | Checkered | All Sixes | Get a Wiggle On | Java and Joe |
London Collections
Training Day Collection
- Obtained: London (Notes From The Underground)
- Vault Bonus: +30
- Revault Bonus: Cannot Revault
Rubberized Medicine Ball | Skipping rope | Versatile Resistance Trainer | Punching Bag | Speed Bag | Dumb-bells | Exercise Hand Grip |
Daily Wages Collection
- Obtained: London (East End Story)
- Vault Bonus: +25
- Revault Bonus: Cannot Revault
Weights | Weaving Tool | Garbage Bag | Shoe Horn | Sewing Machine | Tower Pincer | Washing Bat |
Heel Hath No Fury Collection
- Obtained: London (Dead In Red)
- Vault Bonus: +25
- Revault Bonus: Cannot Revault
Cone Heels | Kitten Heels | Platform Heels | Stilettos | Spool Heels | Wedge Heels | Prism Heels |
Pretenders Collection
- Obtained: London (To Russia With Love)
- Vault Bonus: +30
- Revault Bonus: Cannot Revault
Sideburns | Bald Cap | Fake Nails | Toupee | Contact Lenses | Fake Mustache | Fake Teeth |
Back to School Collection
- Obtained: London (Schoolyard Games)
- Vault Bonus: +35
- Revault Bonus: Cannot Revault
Blackboard | Chalk Duster | Wooden Ruler | Lunch Box | Locker | School Bag | Pencil |
Hi-Tech Collection
- Obtained: London (Collateral Damage)
- Vault Bonus: +35
- Revault Bonus: Cannot Revault
Bulletproof Watch | Video Watch | Car of Tomorrow | Hologram | Earpiece | Mini Mic | Third Eye |
Day Care Collection
- Obtained: London (Baby On Board)
- Vault Bonus: +35
- Revault Bonus: Cannot Revault
Rubber Ducky | Pacifier | Bib | Rattle | Pram | Milk Bottle | Cradle |
Credited Collection
- Obtained: London (American Psycho In London)
- Vault Bonus: +35
- Revault Bonus: Cannot Revault
Money Counter | Bank Box | Bank Token | Pass Book | ATM Card | Panic Button | Sealed Vault |
South Africa Collections
Rumble In The Docks Collection
- Obtained: South Africa (Cape Town)
- Vault Bonus: +30
- Revault Bonus: Cannot Revault
Blue Baboon | Bulbinella | Cape Tulip | Paintbrush Lily | Pincushion | Pigface | Diamond Of Hope |
Diamond Dust Collection
- Obtained: South Africa (The Limpopo River)
- Vault Bonus: +30
- Revault Bonus: Cannot Revault
Dark Oval | Emerald Cut | Great Marquise | Loose Princess | Radiant Opulence | Round Brilliant | Heart Of Gold |
Lethal Dose Collection
- Obtained: South Africa (Bloemfontein)
- Vault Bonus: +35
- Revault Bonus: Cannot Revault
Bleed Me Dry | Blood Curler | Spine Chiller | Menacing Grip | Needles of Steel | Royal Pain | Embellished Piercing |
Back To The Grind Collection
- Obtained: South Africa (Kimberley)
- Vault Bonus: +35
- Revault Bonus: Cannot Revault
Carvaceous | Set In Stone | Brass Relief | Etched Elegance | Marble Cold | Rainbow Chase | Touch Wood |
It's A Steal Collection
- Obtained: South Africa (Durban)
- Vault Bonus: +35
- Revault Bonus: Cannot Revault
Swanky Rim | Cushioned Drive | Drift Away | Wheeler | Shifty | Watch & Learn | Rear Lit |
Cuff It Up Collection
- Obtained: South Africa (Mthatha)
- Vault Bonus: +35
- Revault Bonus: Cannot Revault
Entangled | Cuff-Curbed | Bridled Rogues | Detention | Numbered Fetters | Constraints | Well-Handled |
Wild Trail Collection
- Obtained: South Africa (Mafikeng)
- Vault Bonus: +35
- Revault Bonus: Cannot Revault
Gold Weave | Leather Touch | Soft Savanna | Fawn Awn | Breeze Through | White Jumbo | Straw Brimmed |
Press Collection
- Obtained: South Africa (Nelspruit)
- Vault Bonus: +30
- Revault Bonus: Cannot Revault
Extra-Extra | Headliner | Breaking News | Teleprompter | For The Record | Cover Page | Press Pass |
Fluffed Up Collection
- Obtained: South Africa (Springbok)
- Vault Bonus: +35
- Revault Bonus: Cannot Revault
Blue Ostrich | Duck Phase | Proud Peacock | Fussy Cuckoo | Turaco Ruffle | Roller Birdy | Flaming Flamingo |
President's Offer Collection
- Obtained: South Africa (De Aar)
- Vault Bonus: +35
- Revault Bonus: Cannot Revault
Sworn In | Hanging Flag | Fireplace | Hotline | VIP Treatment | Seat Of Power | President's Portrait |
Collectable Stat Cards
Collectable Stat Cards were introduced on December 22, 2011 and are a cross between two existing parts of the game, the Marketplace and Collections. You can buy cards which give attack, defense, health, energy or stamina. You can purchase a Small Pack (1 card for 15) or a Large Pack (3 cards for 42). When you complete a set you will get a reward card (no skill point stats). It will also unlock a loot drop item that will become available in a certain district. After you complete a set the Reward Card is added to the Reward Series. After completing all the Series (and thus completing the Reward Series) you receive a Mastery Item.
Limited Edition Collections
Valentine's Day Massacre Collection
- Obtained: Valentine's Day Massacre
- Vault Bonus: Cupid's Arrow 37 27 64
- Revault Bonus: Cannot Revault
Heart Tattoo | Shoot The Moon | Stolen Heart | Heart Locket | Box of Chocolates | Love Bear | Valentine |
Chinese New Year Collection
- Obtained: Mystery Bag
- Vault Bonus: String of Firecrackers 33 46 79
- Revault Bonus: Cannot Revault
Baoding Balls | Cricket Cage | Dragon Mask | Four Toed Dragon | Money Envelope | Year of the Tiger | Money Frog |
The St. Patrick's Day Collection
- Obtained: St. Patrick's Day 2010
- Vault Bonus: Irish Wolfhound 48 29 77
- Revault Bonus: Cannot Revault
Irish Flag | Leprechaun | Sets of Green Fireworks | Green Bowler's Cap | Lucky Pint Glass | Pot of Gold | Bag Pipes |
Easter Crime Basket Crew Collection
- Obtained: Easter 2010
- Vault Bonus: Easter Metsubushi 26 48 74
- Revault Bonus: Cannot Revault
Striped Egg | Polka Dot Egg | Checkered Egg | Plaid Egg | Paisley Egg | Last Year's Egg | Golden Egg |
Corner Store Collection
- Obtained: Promotion:7-Eleven
- Vault Bonus: 22LR 46 20 66
- Revault Bonus: Cannot Revault
Brain Freeze | Behind Bars | Cup of Coffee | Plastic Lighter | Scratcher | Hot Dog | Mafi-O's Snack Pack |
Global Cup Collection
- Obtained: Global Cup
- Vault Bonus: Injury Time 38 52 90
- Revault Bonus: Cannot Revault
English Ball | French Ball | Brazilian Ball | German Ball | Italian Ball | Argentinean Ball | Spanish Ball |
Slots Collection
- Obtained: Whack The Rat Jimmy Vegas
- Vault Bonus: One-Armed Bandit 28 50 78
- Revault Bonus: Cannot Revault
Liberty Bell | Lucky 7 | Plum | Lime | Triple Bar | Cherry | Orange |
Mystery Bag Collection
- Obtained: Mystery Bag
- Vault Bonus: Maltese Falcon 42 65 107
- Revault Bonus: Cannot Revault
Magnifying Glass | Shoe Prints | Calabash Pipe | Deerstalker Hat | Hand Cuffs | Case Files | Mysterious Note |
The Pasta Collection
- Obtained: Silence Don Romo, Jobs, Fights, Free Gifts
- Vault Bonus: Home Cooked Meal 18 68 86
- Revault Boost: Cannot revault
Conchiglie | Farfalle | Lasagna | Manicotti | Rotini | Spaghetti | Ziti |
Superhero Collection
- Obtained: Blue Mystery Bags and Red Mystery Bags
- Vault Bonus: 20 Skill Points
- Revault Boost: Cannot revault
Arachnid-Man | Squirril Man | Superbman | Freak Squad | Blue Beacon | Generel U.S.A. | Terrific Man |
It's A Trap Collection
- Obtained: Blue Mystery Bags and Red Mystery Bags
- Vault Bonus: 20 Skill Points
- Revault Boost: Cannot revault
Box-on-a-Stick | Lobster Trap | Mouse Trap | Punji Stake Pit | Spring Snare | Steel-Jaw Trap | Drop Net |
The Disco Collection
- Obtained: Blue Mystery Bags and Red Mystery Bags
- Vault Bonus: Smooth Perfection 75 110 185
- Revault Boost: Cannot revault
Don't Stop Disco Ball | Fevered Dancer | Grooving DJ | Surviving Wig | Dance and Jive | Burnin' Bellbottoms | Chic Sequin Jacket |
Hopper's Delight Collection
- Obtained: Easter Eggselence
- Vault Bonus: Great Bunny 170 238 408
- Revault Boost: Cannot revault
Chocolate Bunny | Cotton Bunny | Crystal Bunny |