This is a list of items with the Car subtype.
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- Aid-el-weiss
- Alpine
- Alves' Muscle Car
- Amaxophobia
- Amphibian
- Amphiquad
- Andresen 420si
- Antiquity
- Arachnid Cruiser
- Argyle Beret
- Aristocrat
- Armored Empire
- Armored Stretch
- Arms 'n' the Van
- Asconini 33
- Asphalt Blade
- Assassin's Torque
- Astro Cruise
- Attack Car
- Audit A4
- Aurora
- Auto Aglow
- Auto Elettrica
- Avanti Tutta
- Axleflyer
- B-Ride
- Back in Black
- Backfire
- Bambaiyya Rajah
- Banshee
- Bean Splitter
- Bette Davis Junior
- Big Buff
- Big Cheese
- Big Six
- Bigalow
- Black Beauty
- Black Fire
- Black Metal
- Black Thunder
- Black Velvet
- Blackwater
- Blast Bliss
- Blast-Master
- Bling Bang
- Blue Blade
- Blue Moon
- Blue Silver
- Blue Sky 55
- Boat Racer
- Bobsledder
- Bolo Bizetti
- Bonnie & Clyde's B-400
- Boombastic
- Bootlegger
- Brain n Brawn
- Brazilian Hearse
- Brite Lite
- British Racing Green
- Brutality
- Buggy
- Buggy Annihilator
- Buggy Boo
- Bull Horn
- Bullet 44 OET
- Bulletstorm
- Bump-Off
- Buzzed Off
- C-Thru
- Cadistrophic
- Cage
- Cam-Pain
- Can Can
- Cannon Wheel
- Capone's Armored 341A
- Capricorn
- Caramel Crystal
- Carmageddon
- Carmen
- Cart-Wheel
- Carzilla
- Caught and Carry
- Cavalletta
- Charleston Classic
- Charm 84 MH
- Cheap Disguise
- Cherepakha Compact
- Chilling Out
- Chomp Rocket
- Chop Suey Chaser
- Christy
- Chrome Eater
- Chrome Essence
- Chrome Skyline
- Chrome Teeth
- Chubby Bug
- Ciao 55
- Cinnabar P70
- Classic Convertible
- Classic Santa
- Classy Clunker
- Claustro
- CM Dragon
- CM Hatchback
- CM Santiago R10
- CM Tango
- Cockpit Racer
- Commute-Tri
- Compact Cyclone
- Company Car
- Compression
- Conchiglia
- Conjoined Twins
- Contender
- Conversion
- Cooled Fish
- Corner Car
- Cosmorider
- Crimson Sword
- Crustacean
- Crystalline
- Curb Stepping
- Cut-Me-Off
- Daddy'O
- Dark Knight
- Darkstalker
- Dauntless
- User:Daveprince13
- DaVinci Q415
- Day Rider 2K
- Deadly Combo
- Decapitator
- Decked Up
- Decoy Mobile
- Defender Armored Car
- Demonoid
- Derby Demolisher
- Desert Raider
- Desert Warrior
- Destiny
- Devil's Delight
- Digital Ramification
- Dom's Supercharger
- Dominator
- Don Colosimo's Limo
- Don Romo's Pride
- Drag Queen
- Dragon's Head
- Driftonic
- Drivin' Style
- Driving Miss Daisy
- Drowsy Drop
- Dust Proof
- Dvina