Mafia Wars Wiki
Item vileintentions 01 Item dinospinevest 01 Item milanodioz 01 Item bloodredtiger 01 Item Garbage Man-04 ConsumablesButton BoostsButton
Weapons Armor Vehicles Animals Henchmen Consumables Boosts

Boosts are consumable items to empower your Mafia's attack or defense, or to reduce the energy used when performing jobs. Once used, the item is consumed. The use of available boosts are compulsory, and will immediately be consumed if applicable.

Boosts can be obtained by buying them with Reward PointsIcon-gf-coin and by revaulting Collection sets or by collecting income from properties. They can also be sent using the Free Gifts option or from a Mystery Bag. They can also be obatined from your mafia (when they post they level up, won a war, iced an opponent, killed an opponent,etc.).

Fight Attack Boosts

Hollow Points Wishlist

Boost hollowpoint 75x75 01

Icon attack 16x16+100 fight attack skill

Throwing Knives Wishlist

Boost throwingknife 75x75 01

Icon attack 16x16+65 fight attack skill

Car Bomb Wishlist

Boost explodingcar 01

Icon attack 16x16+50 fight attack skill

Bola Wishlist

Boost bola 01

Icon attack 16x16+45 fight attack skill

Liquid Courage Wishlist

Boost liquid courage 75x75 01

Icon attack 16x16+44 fight attack skill

Blowfish Dart Wishlist

Boost blowfishdart 75x75 01

Icon attack 16x16+40 fight attack skill

Handy Man Wishlist

Boost handyman 75x75 01

Icon attack 16x16+38 fight attack skill

Corporate Muscle Wishlist
Boost corpmuscle 75x75 01

Icon attack 16x16+35 fight attack skill

Chisel Wishlist

Boost chisel 75x75 01

Icon attack 16x16+34 fight attack skill

War Paint Wishlist

Boost warpaint 75x75 01

Icon attack 16x16+32 fight attack skill

Black Market Ammo Wishlist

Boost blackmarketammo 75x75 01

Icon attack 16x16+32 fight attack skill

Flaming Shot Wishlist
Boost flamingshot 75x75 01

Icon attack 16x16+30 fight attack skill

Champagne Bottle Wishlist

Boost champagne bottles 75x75 01

Icon attack 16x16+25 fight defense skill

Sting Grenade Wishlist
Boost stinggrenade 75x75 01

Icon attack 16x16+10 fight attack skill

Semi-Pro Boxer Wishlist
Boost semiproboxer 75x75 01

Icon attack 16x16+10 fight attack skill

Hot Coffee Wishlist
Hot Coffee image

Icon attack 16x16+5 fight attack skill

Snake Eyes Wishlist
Boost snakeeyes 01

Icon attack 16x16+70 attack skill

Dead Man's Hand Wishlist
Boost deadmanshand 01

Icon attack 16x16+90 attack skill

Blackjack Wishlist
Boost blackjack 02

Icon attack 16x16+50 attack skill

Swordfish Wishlist

Icon attack 16x16+100 attack skill

Fire Ants
Fire Ants

Icon attack 16x16+50 fight attack skill


Icon attack 16x16+25% attack skill

Flag Bearer
Flag Bearer

Icon attack 16x16+150 attack skill

Boost kumar 01

Icon attack 16x16+175 attack skill

Boost vengeance 01

Icon attack 16x16+400 attack skill

Fight Defense Boosts

A19 Riot Shield Wishlist

Boost a19riotshield 01

Icon defense 16x16+100 fight defense skill

Bullet Stopper Wishlist

Item bulletstopper 01

Icon defense 16x16+65 fight defense skill

Berlin Wall Section Wishlist

Boost berlin wall 75x75 01

Icon defense 16x16+46 fight defense skill

Smoke Grenade Wishlist

Boost smokegrenade 01

Icon defense 16x16+45 fight defense skill

Temporary Tattoo Wishlist

Boost temporary tattoo 75x75 01

Icon defense 16x16+42 fight defense skill

Flash Bang Wishlist

Boost flashbang 01

Icon defense 16x16+40 fight defense skill

Boxer Wishlist

Boost boxer 75x75 01

Icon defense 16x16+38 fight defense skill

Shave & A Haircut Wishlist
Boost shaveandhaircut 75x75 01

Icon defense 16x16+30 fight defense skill

Sandbag Wall Wishlist

Boost sandbagwall 75x75 01

Icon defense 16x16+35 fight defense skill

Pepper Spray Wishlist

Boost pepperspray 75x75 01

Icon defense 16x16+36 fight defense skill

Hyper Alert Sentry Wishlist

Boost hyperalertsentry 75x75 01

Icon defense 16x16+32 fight defense skill

Injunction Wishlist
Boost injunction 75x75 01

Icon defense 16x16+25 fight defense skill

Bulldog Wishlist
Boost bulldog 75x75 01

Icon defense 16x16+10 fight defense skill

Tripwire Wishlist
Boost tripwire 75x75 01

Icon defense 16x16+10 fight defense skill

Extra Pair of Eyes Wishlist
Extra Pair of Eyes image

Icon defense 16x16+3 fight defense skill

Mint on the Pillow Wishlist
Boost mintonthepillow 01

Icon defense 16x16+120 fight defense skill

Protective Suit Wishlist
Boost protectivelayer 01

Icon defense 16x16+50 fight defense skill

Bottle of Olive Oil Wishlist
Boost name bottleofoliveoil

Icon defense 16x16+100 fight defense skill

Boost jukebox 01

Icon defense 16x16+25% defense skill

American Dream
Item legaltender 01

Icon defense 16x16+150 fight defense skill

Item firerocket 01

Icon defense 16x16+200 fight defense skill

Boost harold 01

Icon defense 16x16+175 fight defense skill

Robbing Defense Boosts

Surveillence Camera Wishlist

Surveillence Camera image

Icon protect 16x16 01 +154 robbing defense skill

Reinforced Door Wishlist

Reinforced Door image

Icon protect 16x16 01 +106 robbing defense skill

Hobo Lookout Wishlist

Boost hobolookout 75x75 01

Icon protect 16x16 01 +60 robbing defense skill

Political Favor Wishlist

Boost politicalfavor 75x75 01

Icon protect 16x16 01 +60 robbing defense skill

Lookout Wishlist


Icon protect 16x16 01 +55 robbing defense skill

Motion Detector Wishlist

Boost motiondetector 75x75 01

Icon protect 16x16 01 +37 robbing defense skill

Bouncer Wishlist

Boost bouncer 75x75 01

Icon protect 16x16 01 +27 robbing defense skill

Alarm System Wishlist

Boost alarmsystem 75x75 01

Icon protect 16x16 01 +15 robbing defense skill

Mutt Wishlist

Mutt image

Icon protect 16x16 01 +5 robbing defense skill

Gourmet Oysters Wishlist

Boost gourmetoysters 01

Icon protect 16x16 01 +120 robbing defense skill

Bottle of Wine Wishlist

Boost bottleofwine 01

Icon protect 16x16 01 +150 robbing defense skill

Energy Boosts

  • In a continued effort to protect the game balance for all users, these energy reduction boosts were marked as non-giftable as of June 25, 2010

Fabergé Hen Wishlist

Boost first hen 75x75 01

Energy -24 job energy costs

Hidden Matryoshka Wishlist

Boost matroyoshka 75x75 01

Energy -20 job energy costs

Boosted Smoothie Wishlist

Boost boostedsmoothie 75x75 01

Energy -18 job energy costs

Inside Tip Wishlist

Boost insidetip 75x75 01

Energy -16 job energy costs

Blueprints Wishlist

Boost blueprints 75x75 01

Energy -10 job energy costs

Fixer Wishlist

Boost fixer 75x75 01

Energy -8 job energy costs

Chess Master Wishlist

Boost chessmaster 75x75 01

Energy -8 job energy costs

Truck Driver Wishlist

Boost truckdriver 75x75 01

Energy -6 job energy costs

Problem Solver Wishlist

Boost problemsolver 75x75 01

Energy -5 job energy costs

Capuccino Wishlist

Boost cappuccino 75x75 01

Energy -3 job energy costs

Free Ride Wishlist

Boost freeride 75x75 01

Energy -3 job energy costs

Money Boosts

Money Sock Wishlist

Boost money sock 75x75 01

+50% money earned on jobs

Slum Lord

Secret-Drop property-icon

+50% more cash from properties

Boutonniere Wishlist

Boost boutonniere 75x75 01

+10% money earned from jobs

Experience Boosts


Secret-Drop xp-icon

+100% xp from fights

Easy Money

Secret-Drop robbing-icon

+50% chance of success when robbing

Event Boosts

Magneto's Magnetism

Item magneto 01

+2 extra X-Men fight loot items while event it active

Frost's Diamond Form

Item EmmaFrostPowers 01

+2 extra X-Men job loot items while event is active.

American Dream

Item legaltender 01

+150 fight defense skill

Flag Bearer

Item americanflag 01

+150 fight attack skill


Item firerocket 01

+200 fight defense skill

Protection Money

Item insuranceagent 01

+2 extra Farmers Insurance fight loot items while event it active

Lightning Defense

Item lightningrod 01

+2 extra Farmers Insurance job loot items while event it active

Special Boosts

Mystery Boost

Mystery Boost

2X Mastery 2X Loot Boost

Boost double-mastery-and-loot

